Unit 1: Scientific Method
What is Science? Science: is the process of observing and questioning the world around us.
3 Branches of Science Physical: study of matter and energy Examples: Chemistry, Physics
Life: study of living things Examples: Biology, Zoology, Botany
Earth: study of the Earth’s processes Examples: Geology, Archaeology
Scientific Method A logical set of steps for solving problems Daily process
8 Steps of the Scientific Method 1.Identify Problem 2.Research the problem 3.Hypothesis 4.Experiment 5.Observations 6.Conclusion 7.Accept/Reject hypothesis 8.Communicate Results
P R H E O C A C “Parents Really Hate Extra Oreo Cookies and Chocolate” Step 1: Identify a problem/Ask a Question What will I wear today?
Step 2: Research the problem What will the weather be like? What clothes do I have?
Step 3: Hypothesis “An educated guess” that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or event “If…then…” (If it is cold outside, then I will wear a sweater…) Must be able to be tested with an experiment
Step 4: Experiment Test the hypothesis (Wear the sweater outside…)
Step 5: Observations Using your 5 senses to gather information Examples: It is cold outside. The sweater keeps me warm
Step 6: Conclusion Form a conclusion to support the hypothesis; based on the results from the experiment (I will wear the sweater today)
Step 7: Accept/Reject Hypothesis Step 8: Communicate Results
Parts of an Experiment Control: standard for comparison Independent variable: characteristic you change on purpose (this is what you are testing…) Dependent variable: characteristic that responds to a change in the independent variable
Observation vs. Inference Observation: Using your 5 senses to gather information Examples: The apple is red…the flag is red, white, and blue Inference: Using facts to derive a conclusion Examples: The apple fell from a tree…The flag stands for freedom
Predicting: Involves making an inference about a future event based on current evidence or past experience Classifying: Grouping together items that have similar observable characteristics
Writing a Lab Format
Title Problem Hypothesis Variables and Controls Materials Procedure Data and Observations Results Conclusion Name Lab partner’s name Date
Lab Safety Safety Contract Following Directions Safe Practices Safety Symbols
Lab Equipment