Rosa Orlandini Map and GIS Librarian (and Geography) York University Libraries Ignite Talk, WILU 2014 Librarian out of bounds
Proposal Writing Preliminary Research Experiment / Survey Design Reflection Stage 1: Preparation Field Site Visit Data Collection On Site Research Reflection Stage 2: Field Work More Research Evaluation and Discussion of Results Final Paper and Presentation Reflection Stage 3: Synthesis
Credit: NOAA/NASA Credit: Metropolitan Transit Authority Source: Source: (cc license)
Source: cc 2.0 licensewww.SeniorLiving.Org
Source: Stage 1
Source: cc 2.0 license Stage 1
Credit: Google Maps and Google Earth Stage 2
Source: OpenClipArt, Stage 2
Photo by Oscar Urdaneta [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons Stage 2
Stage 3: Synthesis
Stage 3: Synthesis Original photo : Photo of Helen in front of her research poster at the Undergraduate Research Fair
Original photo : Group photo of the field course participants and the faculty member on the Rockaway Beach boardwalk.
Source: Wikimedia Commons Charles_Booth_1889_map_-_detail_showing_Lillie_Bridge.png Source: - CC 2.0
Source: Toronto Region Conservation Authority, Map Source: Google Maps,
Feel free to contact me! Rosa Orlandini Map and GIS Librarian (and Geography) York University Libraries Now it is your turn ! Acknowledgements: Students of GEOG3540 & GEOG4520 Dr. Kathy Elder & Dr. Lucia Lo Mora Gregg & Dana Craig