E FFECTIVE A DVOCACY FOR C OMMUNITY H EALTH W ORKERS Community Health Worker Course Rogue Community College
Types of advocacy Advocacy toolbox How to advocate effectively Resources W HAT WE WILL COVER
W HAT IS A DVOCACY ? Advocacy – noun The act or process of supporting a cause or proposal: the act or process of advocating for something. Source: webster.com/dictionary/advocacy
T YPES OF A DVOCACY 1. Self-Advocacy: Where one represents themselves by speaking about their own rights and interests. Seeking a solution on your own. 2. Individual Advocacy: Speaking for or acting on the behalf of another person to achieve change, protect rights, or achieve justice for someone. 3. Systems or Group Advocacy: To influence systems (either social or political) for changes involving groups of people. 4. Legal or Representative Advocacy: This involves both litigation and legislation for groups or classes of people.
S ETTINGS FOR CHW A DVOCACY Within the Treatment Team With various agencies/organizations involved in the client’s life (Child Welfare, CCOs, Legal, Social Services, Education, etc.) With governmental bodies (City Council, County Government, the State of Oregon) For individuals or groups of people served. For Community Health Work in general.
9 QUESTIONS THAT WILL AIDE YOU IN ADVOCACY What are you asking for? Who can help you achieve this? What do they need you to tell them? Who is the right person to tell them? What is the best way to get them to hear you? What do you already have in place? What are the specific needs? What is the first step? How will you know if change has occurred?
S TRATEGIES FOR E FFECTIVE A DVOCACY 1. Make sure your client is on the same page: Communicate about what you are advocating for. Make sure they are onboard with what you are doing. Help them to advocate for themselves whenever possible. 2. Know your audience. Be prepared with the right kind of information Be prepared to answer questions Be prepared with hard data as well as real stories.
M ORE S TRATEGIES 3. Know your setting. How much time do you have? Where are you? Ensure confidentiality at all times. 4. Be prepared to answer the following questions: What is the issue? Is there a solution? Who is involved? What contributes to the problem? What contributes to the solution?
M ORE S TRATEGIES 5. Make sure you are advocating to the correct person/decision making body. 6. Make sure you know the individual’s rights. Research laws and regulations whenever possible. Identify policies and procedures. 7. Find and engage with allies. 8. Identify potential opposition and prepare to counteract it.
E VEN MORE STRATEGIES 9. Identify existing resources that already exist that either need to be enacted, improved upon, or supported. 10. Remember the 3 Ps of Advocacy Politeness Patience Persistence
W HAT NOT TO DO WHEN ADVOCATING Lie Complain Speak just to be heard Send the wrong messenger
H OW CAN WE HELP OUR CLIENTS FEEL EMPOWERED TO ADVOCATE FOR THEMSELVES ? Use person first language. Remember “Nothing about us without us!” Support them to participate in advocacy whenever you can. Help clients learn advocacy skills.
CHW Advocacy Toolkit: content/uploads/2013/12/ _wg6_chw_adv ocacy_toolkit.pdf content/uploads/2013/12/ _wg6_chw_adv ocacy_toolkit.pdf Governor’s Advocacy Office: spx spx Disability Rights Oregon: Oregon Health Plan Client Information: ts/main.aspx ts/main.aspx