Supply, Transport & Location Miguel A. Garcia Navarro
Introduction How select the best supplier What contract for and why Bases to place our offices Contract cookers
Overview ( Supply ) Having both the identic taxes and the some restrictions; I was inclined by that which posessed the nearest seat to the won, because it had one seat in Prague itself. Czech Republic UPS s.r.c. K Letiti 57/ Prague P6 – Ruzyné
Overview ( Transport ) Bruncvik Transports s.l. Lákenscá Street, 26/ Prague P1 – Malá Strana
Overview ( Locate ) Norwest: Located in Rooseveltova Street, number 25 in Bubenec – P7 Prague Southeast: Located in Boleslavova Street, number 42 in Nusle – P5 Prague
Objectives ( Supply & Transport ) Supply my offices without using companies in which it doesn’t worth, I’m searching trust and security in all my managements. Work with a reliable team, a competent one with important knowledge of the road network in the city of Prague.
Objectives ( Locate & Cookers ) Place our offices in order to obtain a wide autonomy in its whole area of action Obtaining proffessional cookers instructed by us
Methods ( Supply & Transport ) Searching companies that can offer their service in the Czech Republic so as not to play a too high price for it. Because the company is just in charge of: Searching companies in the Czech Republic, with knowledge of the traffic net of Prague, every driver should have 2 years carrying out similar services in the city.
Methods ( Locate & Cookers ) Dividing the city in four equals sectors, locating the best position with the aim of physically comprising all its sphere of influence looking for near bridges and flowing roads. Through job offers and/or going to the job’s house
Results ( Supply & Transport ) Obtain a total certainty that they will fulfill their company laws, by being punctual and compensating delays. Blessing our election in an emergency case. To be corresponded with the confidence we have put on them, being honest and punctual.
Results ( Locate & Cookers ) To have an almost total control of the city, particularly in the area Prague 1 / Prague 2. Qualified cooks in the best hygienic conditions
Conclusions ( Supply & Transport ) We can trust UPS Czech Republic s.r.c. by its antiquity and experience, in this field, its dedication and its strong company laws, to be sure they will carry out their due. We can trust Bruncvik Transports S.L. because its road knowledge of Prague is superior to ours, because its not a junior company and because they have experience in similar or identic functions.