Lesson 2: Life in Ancient Egypt
Polytheism Like the Mesopotamians, the religion of ancient Egypt was polytheistic (the belief in many gods). Religion played a central part in Egyptian life. It helped people to understand the world around them and to cope with the difficulties of everyday living.
The Gods of Ancient Egypt The Egyptians believed the gods controlled everything. There were household gods to look after the family, local gods of the village and the great universal state gods worshipped on official occasions. The Egyptians worshipped hundred of gods.
The Gods of Ancient Egypt Like the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians had great gods that they believed created and ruled the world. Some Egyptians gods had the body of a human and the head of an animal. Some gods and goddesses were identified with particular animals. There was often a connection between the god or goddess and the actions of the animal. For example, the goddess of war, named Sekhmet was sometimes shown with the head of a lioness to show that she was There were gods of music and dancing, of love and beauty, and of healing and learning.
Ordinary Egyptians would build small shrines at home and dedicate them to their favorite gods. One of the favorite gods was a dwarf like god named Bes. Bes was the god of the family. The Gods of Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Creation Story Read an ancient Egyptian myth about the creation of the world ain.html
The story of Osiris chief god of the underworld, or home of the dead Osiris was the god-king of Egypt. His brother Set cut Osiris’ body into pieces. Se4t scattered the pieces up and down the Nile, so he could seize the country for himself. Isis found the pieces and put them back together. Osiris became king of the Underworld. Horus, the son of Osiris and his wife Isis, fought with Set for the throne of Egypt. The gods approved of Horus and he became the rightful king. By calling their pharaoh “Horus” the Egyptians were saying that he was their rightful king.
Osiris chief god of the underworld, death, and rebirth A mummified man wearing a white cone-like headdress with feathers. As well as being a god of the dead, Osiris was a god of resurrection and fertility. The ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris gave them the gift of barley, one of their most important crops.
Anubis helper of Osiris Anubis had the body of a human and the head of a jackal. His job was to prepare the bodies of the dead for the afterlife. Since jackals were often seen in cemeteries, the ancient Egyptians believed that Anubis watched over the dead. Anubis was the god who helped to embalm Osiris after he was killed by Seth. Thus, Anubis was the god who watched over the process of mummifying people when they died. Priests often wore a mask of Anubis during mummification ceremonies.
Isis goddess of women Isis is shown as a woman with headdress in the shape of a throne and a pair of cow horns with a sun disk. Isis was a protective goddess. She used powerful magic spells to help people in need. Isis was the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus. Isis is often shown holding Horus on her lap. Isis is associated with thrones because her lap was the first 'throne' that Horus sat upon.
Ra the sun god Ra was the most important god of all. Egyptians believed he created and ruled the world. Appearance: Man with hawk head and headdress with a sun disk Ra was the sun god. The ancient Egyptians believed that Ra was swallowed every night by the sky goddess Nut, and was reborn every morning. The ancient Egyptians also believed that he traveled through the underworld at night. In the underworld, Ra appeared as a man with the head of a ram. Later in Egypt’s history Ra would be joined with another great god, Amon to become Amon-Ra. Ra
Hathor goddess of love Hathor had the head of a cow Hathor was a protective goddess. She was also the goddess of love and joy. Hathor was the wife of Horus, and was sometimes thought of as the mother of the pharaoh. Hathor was connected with foreign places and materials. For instance, Hathor was the goddess of the desert and the turquoise mines in the Sinai.
Horus- the sky god Horus had the head of a hawk He is probably most well- known as the protector of the ruler of Egypt. The Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the 'living Horus'. The ancient Egyptians had many different beliefs about the god Horus. One of the most common beliefs was that Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris.
Eye of Horus After Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth, Horus fought with Seth for the throne of Egypt. In this battle, Horus lost one of his eyes. The eye was restored to him and it became a symbol of protection for the ancient Egyptians. After this battle, Horus was chosen to be the ruler of the world of the living.
Bes Dwarf with lion and human features wearing the skin of a lion. Bes was the protector of pregnant women, newborn babies and the family. The ancient Egyptians also believed that Bes protected against snake and scorpion bites.
Ptah Man wrapped in a tight white cloak carrying a staff Ptah was the god of craftsmen.
Worshiping the gods If the Egyptians needed to ask a god for help they would have their prayer carved on a tablet of stone and place it on a temple offering table. They would put ears on the tablet to make sure the gods would hear listen