Finding families for ‘harder to place’ children’… …seeking permanence not just placement and building the family around the child IAAM: A New Model for Adoption
Outcomes to performance indicators: finding “informed outputs” InputsActivitiesOutputsOutcomesImpacts Desirable outcome How it is caused Assess timescales Determine milestones Reporting and behaviours Good PIs are: Simple Natural Certain Arising from the flow of activity to outcome Think: Behaviours needed Perverse incentives Improvement Change 2 IAAM: A New Model for Adoption
SOCIAL Impact Bonds: create measured impacts provide funding up front enable medium-term design attract many investors BONDS: rates set by borrower require repayment create funder / seller / buyer partner are managed and governed FUND DELIVER REPAY IAAM: A New Model for Adoption
IAAM Each child placed via IAAM: Saves £500,000 + versus long-term care Is paid for by Local Authority on a ‘pay by results’ basis
MilestoneResults Payment (£) Registration8,000 Placement23,000 First Anniversary6,800 Second Anniversary15,800 IAAM: A New Model for Adoption
Customer service and quality of adoption support is very good Service provided by Voluntary Adoption Agencies VAAs are good or outstanding (Ofsted) IAAM
IAAM: is child-centred: assessment, family finding and therapeutic parenting build on this enables LAs to find families for harder to place children is particularly likely to work with ‘legacy’ cases IAAM
Assessment Comprehensive analysis of all that is known / reported on child Multidisciplinary team based on the child’s needs Report on context; needs; therapies LA receives copy, VAA works with family Summary + details approach (Decentralising plan) IAAM: A New Model for Adoption
IAAM: FAMILY FINDING enables early engagement with family which relates to longer term success can take time in finding families, but this reduces the time taken in the matching process is a guaranteed approach to planning uses high-precision demographic marketing is built around a market-leading assessment process (SLaM) is successful and enables the family to have what they need to have the child they want is collaborative: VAAs will work to ensure quality of service wherever the family is found IAAM
Therapeutic parenting will build on the training programmes which VAAs currently deliver but for SIBs will specifically include additional intensive training on: Developmental re parenting Attachment The impact of early life trauma on brain development and subsequent behaviour Managing challenging behaviour Safe caring of children whose behaviour is particularly challenging The impact of secondary trauma, self care and managing stress as parents Additional modules specifically related to the needs of a particular child e.g. autism Appropriate training focussed on and involving other members of the adopter’s household, and key members of the adopter’s support network Appropriate training for those also involved in caring for the child, including a Learning Support Assistant, teacher, nursery staff. IAAM: A New Model for Adoption
SUCCESSES 9 placed 20 on way 12 declined Some w/d by LA A few unsuccessful IAAM: A New Model for Adoption
Questions? Contact: IAAM: A New Model for Adoption