Support children & young people’s health and safety Week 2 Unit 11
Recap – Week one Learning outcome 1 – Understand how to plan and provide environments that support children and young people’s health and safety Learning outcome 2 – Be able to recognise and manage risks to health, safety and security in a work setting or off site visits
By the end of the session you will: Understand how to support children and young people to assess and manage risks for themselves Understand appropriate responses to accidents, incidents, emergencies and illness in work settings and off site visits
Outcome 3: Understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people’s health and safety
Why is it important to take a balanced approach to risk management? Group discussion (take notes)
Case study: Taking a balanced approach You are considering taking Year 1 to the beach as a year group, as it ties in with their topic on water. Your school is about 90 minutes from the sea, but some of the children have never been. At the year group meeting some of the assistants voice their concerns about health and safety with such a large group in a wide open space. What do you think about this situation? Why is it important to discuss this as a group before planning to take the children?
Key term Balanced approach – taking into account a child’s age, needs and abilities, avoiding excessive risk taking, not being risk adverse and recognising the importance of risk and challenge to a child’s development
Supporting children or young people to assess and manage risk Group discussion (make notes!) Give examples from your own practice of how you have supported children in assessing and managing risk to themselves.
Case study: Supporting children to assess and manage risk There is a nursery attached to Amira’s Reception class and all the children in the Foundation Stage use the outside area together. Amira is outside with a group of children when there are some men clearing back trees and undergrowth on the other side of the wire fence, using chainsaws. One of them says hello to the group What could Amira do in this instance? Do you think that she should take the children indoors? Why?
Outcome 4: Understand appropriate responses to accidents, emergencies and illness in work settings and off site visits
Explain the policies and procedures of the setting or service in response to accidents, emergencies and illness
Observation or Reflective Account dealing with First Aid Where is the First Aid Box located? What are the contents of the First Aid Box? How would you treat the following common injuries: Skin Abrasions Cuts Bumps How are accidents and emergencies recorded (you can attached a copy of the paperwork)
Basic First Aid continued Basic First Aid in an emergency and how to apply it (ABC) EmergencyHow to recogniseResponse: Choking: Unconsciousness: Breathing Difficulties: Bleeding: Burns: Anaphylactic shock:Including how to recognise allergic reactions Why it is important to follow instructions regarding children's allergic reactions
Policies and procedures of setting to deal with How to recognise when children are ill, including when Children’s illness they cannot communicate The balance between safety and risk And challenge and protection for children: What does this mean for how you supervise children safely: How would you modify your approach according to age: Needs and abilities:
Websites first aid – Health & Safety – TeacherNet, which also gives a list of charities that work together with -
Check your knowledge: 1.Name three factors you might take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments 2.Where would you find guidance and procedures for health and safety in your school? 3.What are your responsibilities regarding hazards? 4.What kinds of situations are potentially hazardous? 5.List the types of risk you might encounter when taking children off site. 6.Give an example of when you might need to undertake a risk assessment 7.Why do children need to learn to be able to manage risks themselves? 8.Should only first aiders record and report accidents?
Task: Write a short personal statement: 1.Why is it important to take a balanced approach to risk management? Explain the dilemma between the rights and choices of children and young people and health and safety requirements Give an example from your own practice of supporting children or young people to assess and manage risk
Important This unit requires a demonstration of competence in recognising hazards and undertaking risk assessments in the working setting Elements to be demonstrated: and