SWE Values Elizabeth Bierman SWE FY15 President
SWE Values Integrity Professional Excellence Trust Mutual Support Inclusive Environment
SWE states: We provide an organization that fosters mentoring, and the development of professional and personal networks. Mutual Support
SWE will be a prime facilitator for creating personal relationships, support systems, and networking between women in engineering and technology. SWE’s global network of professional and collegiate members can share best practices and new technologies as well as bring awareness to issues that affect women and the engineering profession Vivid Description
1. Builds Character I am now able to go up to anyone in a room and just have a chat. This in itself has allowed me to grow in confidence and resilience 2. Helps refine proposition The more I speak to people at networking events the more I can use the experience as a focus group to further develop the services SWE needs/offers 3. Increase confidence When building your character a direct cause and effect of this is an increase in confidence, you suddenly lose that nervousness and feel able to go up to absolutely anyone. We are all humans and one human is not any more important than the other – we all have a contribution to make 4. Increase your circle of network Due to the number of years I have been networking I now have a wide network Why is it important?
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Inclusive Environment We embrace diversity in its broadest interpretation and commit to creating an inclusive environment for all our members and stakeholders. We value the contributions of a diverse membership, which enables SWE to achieve its full potential. SWE’s Inclusive Environment
At SWE, we acknowledge and respect the value of a diverse community. We recognize that the scope of diversity includes race/ethnicity, family status, age, physical abilities, sexual and affectional orientation, actual or perceived gender, gender identity and expression, socio- economic status and occupational focus. Our society will maintain an environment that is supportive of these elements, and we will promote inclusion within our organization and the engineering community. We Commit to: Developing women in engineering across socio-economic strata and occupational focus. Encouraging the interest and active participation of women and girls of under- represented ethnic groups, including African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders and Native Americans. Providing support to women which acknowledges and respects differences in family status, sexual orientation, age, and physical abilities. We will ensure that all bylaws, policies and charters support SWE's commitment to diversity. We will align with and participate in those activities and organizations that encourage all dimensions of diversity. Diversity Statement
SWE will be a driving force for promoting a diverse workforce and inclusion of all, not limited to engineers. SWE will actively work to create a community where the profession welcomes and respects individual, personal, and career choices amongst all cultures. Vivid Description
In order to be an inclusive leader, one must keep five things in mind: 1.Take risks 2.Be culturally aware 3.Actively listen 4.Separate members from stereotypes 5.See cultural differences as assets Moving towards an Inclusive Environment
Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes.consistency Barbara Killinger offers a traditional definition: Integrity is a personal choice, an uncompromising and predictably consistent commitment to honour moral, ethical, spiritual and artistic values and principles Integrity
We aspire to the highest level of ethical behavior as evidenced by honesty and dignity in our personal and professional relationships and responsibilities. SWE’s Integrity Statement
A plant manager decides to ship product to a customer even though he knows the parts have a quality problem because the problem doesn't affect part function and the customer probably won't notice. An employee spends several hours a week on her cell phone talking with her children and their associated caregivers, schools, and friends. A salesman marks parts as "sold" in the company data base thus depriving others of the ability to sell the parts, even though his sale is uncertain. An employee takes office supplies home to stock his home office. An accountant tells a supplier that their "check is in the mail" when he knows he hasn't written the check. Examples
Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Member’s Code of Conduct 1. Member’s Code of Conduct – The Membership of SWE commits itself to ethical, businesslike, and lawful conduct, including proper use of authority and decorum at the highest level when acting on behalf of SWE. The Membership of SWE will consistently fulfill the purposes set forth in SWE’s Bylaws, Policies, Code of Conduct, Core Values, and Strategic Vision. 2. Policy against Harassment - Please see SWE’s “Policy Against Harassment” document to see the zero tolerance policy that shall be followed by all members. 3 Disposition of Complaints and Disputes involving SWE Members - Complaints or disputes should be discussed immediately with your SWE Leader or skip level officer or to SWE’s Ethics Committee. All issues will be handled based on the “Procedures for Review of SWE Member Conduct.” Code of Conduct