12 th Meeting of the GBIF Participant Nodes Committee 6-7 October 2013, Berlin, Germany Data mobilization and use for international policy Olaf Bánki Senior.


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Presentation transcript:

12 th Meeting of the GBIF Participant Nodes Committee 6-7 October 2013, Berlin, Germany Data mobilization and use for international policy Olaf Bánki Senior Programme Officer for Participation Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

GBIF and the CBD CBD came into force December 1993, now has 193 Parties (192 countries + EU) Main aims: conservation of biological diversity; sustainable use of its components; equitable sharing of benefits arising from utilization of genetic resources Article 17: "facilitate the exchange of information, from all publicly available sources, relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking into account the special needs of developing countries… (including) … repatriation of information” Numerous CBD-GBIF partnerships, observer status in respective governing bodies

GBIF and the CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity agreed in 2010, including 20 Aichi Targets. GBIF contribution (examples): Target 9 (invasive species): GBIFS coordinating Global Invasive Alien Species Information Partnership; supports IAS lists using common standards; IAS major use of occurrence data in science literature Targets 11 and 12 (protected areas, threatened species): GBIF brings together data on species occurrences in actual or potential PAs; publishing tools support Red List compilation; data support research in conservation biology, informing policies on priorities for conservation Target 19 (sharing and application of knowledge): supported by GBIF’s entire activity, context for Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook (GBIO)

GBIF and GEO BON Group on Earth Observations (GEO) coordinating efforts to build Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 10-year Implementation Plan sets out 9 societal benefit areas, including understanding, monitoring and conserving biodiversity – GEO BON role GBIF among 10 organizations represented on GEO BON steering committee Key current activity of GEO BON is to establish Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs), measurements required for study, reporting and management of biodiversity change

GBIF and GEO BON Biodiversity data published through GBIF is component of several projects supporting GEO BON, e.g. Digital Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA) GBIF partner in European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON), supported by grant of €300,000 (EU funding) EU BON aims to build a substantial part of GEO BON – outputs to include integrated portal, roadmap for handling citizen science data, open data publishing framework GBIF role in EU BON focussed on data standards and interoperability, metadata registry, access to data via robust web services

GBIF and IPBES Established April 2012, to strengthen science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services, for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development Four main functions: Regular and timely assessments (global, subglobal, thematic) Catalyse knowledge generation Identify policy-relevant tools and methodologies Prioritize key capacity building needs to improve science-policy interface Will collaborate with existing initatives on BES … fill gaps and build on their work while avoiding duplication

GBIF and IPBES First IPBES work programme to be agreed at 2nd plenary, Turkey in Dec 2013 GBIF has contributed to consultations on work programme drafts, with key messages: GBIF and IPBES entirely complementary – GBIF acts at data-science interface to support IPBES building stronger science-policy interface GBIF’s node/BIF building and collaborations offer foundation for IPBES capacity building role, including possible regional hubs/ centres of excellence GBIF well placed to support knowledge generation and assessment, through delivery of key relevant data and response to knowledge gaps GBIF welcomes long-term role via IPBES task force and/or strategic partnership on data management (suggest developing position through nodes for IPBES-2) PS – watch out for imminent release of final draft work programme at documents.html ! documents.html