Engaging multiple actors and society in science, research and innovation within Horizon2020 science, research and innovation within Horizon2020 Engagement Giuseppe Borsalino Research Programme Officer DG Research & Innovation Unit B7 – Science with and for Society
RRI and Public Engagement Responsible Research and Innovation is a set of measures being implemented in Horizon 2020 to better align R&I with the values, needs and expectations of society Public Engagement Gender Ethics Access to research results Science Education and Communication RRI Governance 2
What is Public Engagement in H2020 PE in Horizon 2020 is about bringing on board the widest possible diversity of actors to participate in and reflect & deliberate on matters of science, research, technology and innovation. PE implies the establishment of two-way iterative and participatory multi-actor dialogues and exchanges to foster mutual understanding and co-create research and innovation outcomes and policy agendas.
Multi-actor engagement: actors/stakeholders representing research, industry/business/SME & entrepreneurs, policy makers & public authorities, Civil Society Organisations (CSO) & NGO. Citizen engagement: un-organised civil society and citizens (also in their role as users, patients, consumers, students). Societal engagement: CSO + un-organised civil society Multi-actor & Citizen Engagement in Research & Innovation
1.Make a difference (should respond and be tailored to a precise need and objective) 2.Be effectively embedded in the relevant policy or decision-making process 3.Be transparent 4.Build trusting working relationships 5.Have integrity (should ensure real and honest commitment, data and privacy protection) 6.Involve the right number and relevant people (representativeness and inclusiveness) 7.Treat participants with respect, while providing a safe space for deliberation, ideation and exchange 8.Give priority to participants’ discussions, needs and ideas while ensuring that particular interests do not dominate 9.Keep those involved informed (feedback to participants) 10.Be reviewed and evaluated to improve practice 11.Ensure the process and outcomes are well communicated to those that matter, including the public Basic principles of good practice for PE in R&I
6 PE brings: inclusiveness, participation, transparency, diversity, accountability and creativity into the research and innovation process PE covers: consultative, deliberative and co-design & co-creation processes PE establish: trust, mutual understanding, sharing & learning, exploring futures & controversies, pooling resources, and/or co-create ideas, knowledge, data or solutions (eg: products, goods and services).
PE: where we stand The three OOO s of our Commissioner Citizen and policy making plus citizen science The Civic University model Multiple Citizen Associations and Movements Participative Democracy: ctz wants to make the difference 7
What's next for citizen engagement SwafS Call topic: ISSI.2 on Citizens and multi-actor engagement for scenario building:Citizens and multi-actor engagement for scenario building - collective intelligence of citizens to examine the role of R&I via future scenarios and visions of desirable sustainable futures. - face-to-face participatory and inclusive workshops with citizens with parallel participatory on-line consultation process - pan-European deployment (28 MS & AS) & multilingual dimension - use of support tools – eg: "what if" questions, scenario building, MCA, virtual reality, collaborative GIS, integrated assessment modelling - comparison of outcomes with other expert-based foresight and prospective studies to assess the relative merits of citizen focussed deliberations for inspiring R&I policy development and implementation. - need to target and deliver outcomes for at least three H2020 Societal Challenges ( calls & other relevant EU policy initiatives). CSA with expected EC contrib = 3 M EUR
CIMULACT CIMULACT stands for ‘Citizen and Multi-Actor Consultation on Horizon 2020’. The project engages more than 1000 citizens in 30 countries in Europe, along with a variety of other actors, in shaping a desirable sustainable future. In a highly participatory process, the project will provide a unique contribution to European research and innovation policies and topics, create dialogue and shared understanding among the actors, and build strong capacities in citizen engagement, thereby enhancing responsible research and innovation (RRI) in the EU. 9
10 Examples of institutional change Development & implementation of RRI ‘Roadmaps and Toolkits’ amongst consortium partners committed to modernising their own R&I governance processes through institutional innovation. Internal/external advocacy & awareness-raising actions Sharing of case studies and lessons learned, good practices PE in performance assessment of research staff, HEI STEM teachers/professors and STEM trainers A real case example of a dedicated PE topic pursuing and supporting institutional change was ISSI
NUCLEUS - New Understanding of Communication, Learning and Engagement in Universities and Scientific Institutions … develops, supports and implements inclusive and sustainable approaches to Responsible Research and Innovation within the governance and culture of research organisations in Europe. A major goal of the transdisciplinary project will be to stimulate research and innovation which continuously reflects and responds to societal needs. …. including renowned scientific institutions in China, Russia and South Africa. … will systematically uncover and analyse structural and cultural obstacles to RRI in scientific institutions. … offering new academic insights and practical recommendations derived from 10 Institutional ‘RRI test beds’ 11
12 Engage2020 aims to increase the use of engagement methods and policies in research and innovation. The project will do this by mapping and exploring what is practiced and by inspiring researchers, policy makers and other interested parties.
RRI TOOLS RRI Tools is an ambitious, umbrella project aimed to spread RRI within the European Research Area and to support Horizon2020 in better addressing the grand social challenges. With this aim, it is building through three phases a set of practical resources -the RRI Toolkit- to help all actors involved in R&I to disseminate, advocate, train, and implement RRI in Europe. 13
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