How many children in 2001? 11.7 million children & young people aged 0-19 in England 1,171,263 children & young people aged 0-19 in the South West 25.1% of the population in England are aged % of the population in the SW are aged 0-19
Percentage of the population aged 0-19 by ward in the SW
How many children in 2021? Population of England expected to grow by 5.2% Population of the SW expected to grow by 9.5% More people in older age groups, fewer children and young people.
Ethnicity in the South West 2.3% of the population in the SW identify as of black or minority ethnic group (9% in England) Highest BME populations by PCT: Gloucester (5%); Swindon (6.1%); Bristol South & West (6.2%); Bristol North (11.8%).
Percentage of the population who are from a black and minority ethnic group by LA in the SW
Average number of children and adults per household by ethnic group
Families and Households 1 More couples living together before marriage More couples co-habiting Children born outside marriage Divorce, remarriage and step families.
Families and Households 2 Smaller households: family size 2.9 in 1971, 2.4 in 2002 Increasing number of lone parents and people living alone In 2000, two-fifths of marriages were re-marriages 140,000 couples (and children) experience divorce each year.
Families and Households 3 Lone parent families account for 1 in 4 of all families with dep. children 9 out of 10 lone parent families are headed by women One in 5 households with dep. children in the SW is a lone parent household (1 in 20 of all households)
Lone parent families with dep. children as % of all households by LA in the SW
Deprivation 1 1 in 8 children (13.1%) live in households with no adult in work 3 in 10 households are not owner occupied 1 in 10 households with dep. children do not own a car.
Child Poverty Index by super output area in the SW
Deprivation and Health “The links between poverty and child health are extensive, strong, and pervasive… virtually all aspects of health are worse among children living in poverty than among children from affluent families.” (Reading, 1997)