NINTH GRADE COURSE SELECTION Welcome to the Upper School
The Basics Each ninth grade student will select seven classes. Each class meets every day, rotating on a six day cycle. Teachers are available before school for Help Session. In addition, as a general rule teachers are available after school (by appointment) for additional help. The Upper School does not have an advisory or Homeroom (the first period class functions as a homeroom). The tardy bell rings at 7:45 AM. A more thorough Upper School orientation will take place in August.
UMS-Wright Mission Statement For the UMS-Wright Family to educate all students to their highest potential in mind, body, and spirit and to produce in each student character of the highest possible order.
Academic Rigor Hard term to define and different for every student One way to define rigor is to “push yourself to do what is not easy.” Obviously this will be different for everyone. As teachers, we will push you to succeed, but at the end of the day you must push yourself. Our ultimate goal is to prepare you to be successful in college and in life. Academic rigor is pushing each individual to achieve his/her HIGHEST POTENTIAL.
What is the “Right” rigor for you? It depends on your unique situation. The correct course load for your best friend may not be appropriate for you. It is very important that you not take “all honors courses” just because your best friend is doing that. There are many things to consider as you select courses for the ninth grade.
Considerations Before Selecting Courses Current grades – Typically we expect you to have an 88 average or above in a subject prior to enrolling in the honors course for the next year. Work habits – Do you complete homework on time? Do you complete all of your reading assignments? Do you ask questions and participate in class discussion? All of these are a must for honors classes. Honors courses require much work outside of the classroom. How “active” are you – Do you play many sports? Are you in several clubs? Do you volunteer for non-profit groups? Are you extremely active in your church or temple? All of these are great things that we strongly recommend and in fact require to a certain degree – but you must be realistic about time constraints.
Colleges and Universities Colleges will see your grades beginning with the first semester of ninth grade. Colleges want to see that you have challenged yourself and have received good grades. Most (but not all) students probably should take a mix of honors and college preparatory (CP) courses. Some may be qualified to take all honors courses while others will be adequately challenged with all CP (what students sometimes call “regular” courses). IT DEPENDS ON THE INDIVIDUAL.
Registration Process 1. Talk to your parents and teachers. 2. Ask Dr. Rice (I will be meeting with students in Mr. Cleveland’s classes). 3. Conduct a self assessment. 4. Complete your registration form and turn it in by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, Forms may be turned in to Mr. Cleveland.
Course Selection Approval Process Once registration forms have been submitted, preliminary lists will be submitted to your current teachers for their approval/recommendation. Those students not receiving recommendations will receive a Course Selection Appeal form, which may be used to request a waiver to enroll in the honors course(s) in question. Dr. Rice will review the appeal forms and inform the students/parents of the final decision. Students choosing not to appeal the teacher recommendation will be placed in the CP alternative to the honors class in question.
English English 9 Honors English 9 Honors English is a prerequisite for AP English Language (11 th ) and AP English Literature (12 th ). Typically, those students completing Honors English 9 are expected to complete Honors English 10 as well.
Mathematics Algebra I Honors Geometry In order to enroll in Honors Geometry, a student must have satisfactorily completed Honors Algebra I. Students passing Honors Algebra I (8 th ) may repeat Algebra I (9 th ) for credit.
Science Biology Honors Biology Honors Biology is a prerequisite of AP Biology in grade 11 or 12.
History World History I Honors World History I Honors World History I is a prerequisite of AP European History in grade 10.
World/Classical Languages Spanish I Honors Spanish I French I Honors French I Honors Latin I Honors Chinese I (Online) Students must complete a minimum of two consecutive years of the SAME language in Upper School. Latin and Chinese are new course offerings for An additional fee of $1000 applies to full year virtual/online courses.
Communication Arts (One Semester) Speech Broadcast Journalism All freshmen are required to take a one-semester communication course. The majority of students typically choose Speech. Broadcast Journalism is an extension of the Dawghouse (morning announcements) in which many students participate in middle school.
Critical Thinking and Study Skills (One Semester) Critical Thinking is a new class being introduced in This class will be taught as a blended online course using content provided by the Florida Virtual School. The teacher working with students will be a UMS-Wright teacher. Students will meet each day in a computer lab. Half of the ninth grade will be in Speech/Broadcasting semester one, and half will be in Critical Thinking. Students will “flip” to the other class second semester.
Physical Education One unit of PE is required for graduation. Freshman Band may be substituted for PE. Freshmen taking the PE/Driver Education combo satisfy the PE requirement. Driver Education students must be 15 and possess a Learner’s Permit by Sept 16, 2013 (Sem. 1) or February 7, 2014 (Sem. 2). Freshmen have the option of taking one semester of PE and one semester of either Introduction to Art, Drama, or Musical Performance (Choral). Students choosing this option will be required to complete a minimum of one additional semester of PE in the 10 th, 11 th, or 12 th grade.
Conclusion Course selection for ninth grade is an exciting and somewhat stressful experience for many students. If you or your parents have questions – please ask. Our goal is to place each student in the “right” schedule for him/her. Remember, course selection forms are due Friday, February 22, You will have the opportunity to request changes after this date if needed.