Assessment Update WC BOE July 27, 2017
Data for Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) ACT End of Course Assessment (EOC) KOSSA (WCHS/ATC) Industry Certifications (WC Area Technology Center) College/Career Readiness for WCHS Advanced Placement Scores for WCHS
WCHS Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment (KOSSA) WC Area Technology Center Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment (KOSSA)
College/Career Readiness at WCHS for College Ready100 Career Ready7 Percentage of CCR73 % Bonus for students College & Career92.5% Total number of Seniors with a G Code 146
WCHS accepted into Cohort 8 Content Coordinators – Math: Nancy Hobgood English: Aaron Harrell Science: Amy Newman Laying the Foundation Teachers (Pre-AP): Math: Leighann Harper & Denae McNeily English: Kathi Pride, Abby Ranes, Julie Jones, & Laura Smith Science: Karen Shoulders & Alan Pritchett
Since 2008/ Kentucky High Schools
The NMSI College Readiness Program supports improvements in earning qualifying scores (QS) of 3, 4 or 5 (on a 5-point scale) on national AP* Math, Science and English exams, which may earn college credit. Elements of Success * Advanced Placement, AP and Pre-AP are registered trademarks of The College Board.