Dr. Tee Barron – Mathematics Dr. Cathy Moore – Dean, School of Education Georgia Gwinnett College.


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Presentation transcript:

Dr. Tee Barron – Mathematics Dr. Cathy Moore – Dean, School of Education Georgia Gwinnett College

FLIPCON Motivator!

 Background  GGC’s Objective-Based Curriculum  Our Students at GGC and our Teacher Education Program (TEP) Students  GGC’s (TEP) – Mathematics  Our Initiative: On-Going Active Research and Results  Counseling and the Flipped Classroom  Lessons Learned  Short -, Mid -, and Long - Term Goals  Future (Active) Research and Integration  Feedback from you!

 Education  Work (Educational) Experience  Flipped Classroom - Experience (Instructor/Student) - Research Experience  Work (“outside” of Education) Experience  Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC)  Dr. Moore, Dean, School of Education  Our Team!

 We use assessments such as test-item analyses to link items on graded events from course objectives, to discipline (mathematics) objectives, to our Integrated Educational Experience (IEE) Goals.test-item analyses  This procedure allows us to assess GGC’s mission and vision statements in our outcome-based curriculum.  GGC’s objective-based curriculum “helps” me with the Flipped Classroom Method of Teaching and also with academic assessment, which is a major component in the accreditation (SACS) process!

We use assessments such as to link items on graded events from course objectives, to discipline (mathematics) objectives, to our Integrated Educational Experience (IEE) Goals. This procedure allows us to assess GGC’s mission and vision statements in our outcome-based curriculum.  GGC’s objective-based curriculum “helps” me with the Flipped Classroom Method of Teaching and also with academic assessment, which is a major component in the accreditation (SACS) process! HOW?

 GGC’s Students  Teacher Certification Program (TCP) Students - English, History, Political Science - Biology, Mathematics  n = 10 Math TCP Graduates… all together.  Out students (TEP students and graduates), as well as their cooperating teachers, want to reach back and help make the program even better!

 “History” of GGC’s Teacher Education Program (TEP) - Officially implemented in April 2011 with no areas to improve from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission - First graduates – Spring 2012  The College (GGC) is getting “re-SACSed” this academic year and the School of Education is getting NCATE-ed!  “The influence you have on your students will affect them for the rest of their lives.” -President Kaufman

 How it started  Communication… Communication… Communication…  Gwinnett County School System  A lot of Flipping focuses! Foci?  On-Going Active Research Resources xxxxxx - Xtranormal - Counseling - Objective-Based Curriculum and Analyses

OUR RESEARCH QUESTION!! Our active research is a result of our initiative and collaborative vision. Research Question: How can we best prepare our pre-service teachers, using engaged pedagogical methods such as the Flipped Classroom Method of Teaching, to effectively transfer engaged methods of teaching into the K-12 school system while also continually improving our Teacher Education Program? We are just starting this! We are new and this is a start, but we need to start somewhere! We want to add credentials to our pre-service teachers’ portfolio.

 How it started  Communication… Communication… Communication…  Gwinnett County School System  A lot of focuses! Foci?  On-Going Active Research  Results Collaborative Resources -XXXXXXXXXX Jonathan’s website - Xtranormal - Counseling - Objective-Based Curriculum and Analyses

YAY!  You realize that stand-and-deliver doesn’t work and try new things… keep it coming!  You to take the time to teach us how to teach our students some of the social skills needed to succeed in life… good stuff to formally integrate into the curriculum!  For those of us who experienced using the Flipped Classroom Method of Teaching at GGC, we are trying it and will continue. It works!

YAY… SORT OF!  You try to collaborate and combine intra-disciplinary (English, History & Biology) initiatives. We need that… especially in middle school but also in for those who plan to teach high school.  We really feel like the MATH and EDUC professors at GGC care about us, our success, and our future as teachers. To the Mathematics Professors… visit us more in the schools when we are student teaching!  Our professors try innovative approaches including the Flipped Classroom Method. We need more experiences and more standardization of learning how to implement these innovative ways of teaching!

NOT SO YAY!  Most of the math professors, although we know they care, are so far removed from what we need to know teaching secondary and middle school mathematics.  We need more “math” to get us ready to teach at our level of math along with real-world applications at the level of math we’re going to teach… not at the Abstract Algebra II level!  We need more technology… not just, “cool, look at my new iPad!”  Sometimes it just feels we’re putting stuff together at the last minute and for accreditation, both in the SST and the SOE.

 How it started  Communication… Communication… Communication…  Gwinnett County School System  On-Going Active Research  Results (Quantitative and Qualitative)  Collaborative Resources - Jonathan’s websiteJonathan’s website - Xtranormal - Counseling Forms and Procedures - Objective-Based Curriculum and Assessments

 School of Education and… - Science and Technology (Biology, Mathematics) - Liberal Arts (English, History, Political Science)  School of Science and Technology - Mathematics (TCP) and the School of Business  Intra-College/University Initiatives - GGC and The University of North Georgia

 One-on-one time and RELATIONSHIPS!  You can hold students accountable!  Good feedback that they’re not used to… at least in college!  It’s good for introverted students!  You find out a lot  about the students.  They like it!  360 for me! “3 up – 3 down”  My Counseling Form My Counseling Form

 Mixed reviews regarding what our students took away from their Mathematics Content and Mathematics Methods Courses.   We need to do keep up with the 360 reach back NOW and keep the relationships going!  More robust categorization of our qualitative results.  Start thinking about quantitative research NOW so when we get more than about 30 students “in the field,” we can do a study!  Always use a person more boring than you if you can’t use “you” in a video! Thanks, Susan!

Short-Term Provide liaison support to foster communication and collaboration between the Mathematics Discipline and the School of Education to maintain effective and goal-oriented collaboration between instructors and students. Mid-Term Establish a goal-oriented, cross-discipline relationship with inter-dependent goals between the School of Education, the Mathematics Discipline and all TCP Majors at GGC. Long-Term Develop a directed and evolving relationship among the TCP faculty, students, Team TEP and the Gwinnett County School System. AND… development of a true mixed study!

 Using the Flipped Classroom Method of Teaching with Counseling to Engage ALL STUDENTS!  Using the Flipped Classroom Method of Teaching to Engage Introverted Mathematics Students.  Using an Objective-Based Curriculum to Engage the Flipped Classroom. (Continue Further)  Incorporating a Spreadsheet Environment in the Flipped Classroom. (My Sister, Peggy’s Research!)  Using the Flipped Classroom Method of Teaching with Project-Based AssessmentProject-Based Assessment

 Our Curriculum  Our Collaborative Initiative and Liaison Endeavor  360 and Reach Back with our students  Mixed Qualitative Results  The need for more Quantitative (or at least a Mixed Study) Results  The need for more applicable methods of teaching for students in grades 6 – 12.  Future (and collaborative!) research!!  A new tool for Project-Based Assessment!  Answer the submission!!!!

 What subject do you teach?  Are you a cooperating teacher or do you work with student teachers?  What can we do better in our college courses - content or methods classes to prepare our students for you!?  In General… “3 up – 3 down” for the student teachers who work with you  General feedback for me!

Terry (Tee) Barron School of Science and Technology – Mathematics Georgia Gwinnett College Lawrenceville, Georgia (cell/text)