How much radical service transformation has taken place in your council? 1.None, we are only now planning to make radical changes 2.Some, but so far we have only looked at how transform our in-house services 3.Lots, but we will be doing more 4.We are at the end of our journey and are here to share our experience
How effective would you say that HR, OD and pensions teams have been in implementing radical service transformation? 1.Not at all 2.To some extent, e.g. technical on making change happen 3.A reasonable amount, e.g. involved in early strategic discussions 4.A lot, e.g. one of the key players within the council
When considering what types of radical service transformation is best for a particular service, what (in your opinion) is the most important factor in coming to a decision? 1.Political dogma 2.Resident driven 3.The opinion of the service manager 4.Available funding for facilitating change 5.Best practice from other councils 6.A full options appraisal and business case of all the options 7.Demand management approach 8.I don’t know, there doesn’t appear to be a coherent vision
What has been the biggest benefit to implementing service transformation? 1.Hitting efficiency savings targets 2.More effective services 3.More integrated services 4.Greater focus on client needs 5.Residents have a better understanding of what we can deliver within financial constraints 6.A fit for purpose workforce 7.Clearer strategic goals 8.A clearer organisational culture
Your lessons learned: If I could improve one thing from an HR / OD / Pensions point of view, what would help to deliver more effective service transformation? 1.Getting a clearer strategic narrative 2.Leadership 3.Employee involvement and communications 4.Providing staff (and managers) with the skills needed in the new model 5.Organisational and / or job design aligned to the new model 6.Embedding values and culture 7.Updating the reward strategy
Your proudest achievement. From an HR / OD / Pensions point of view, what would you say has helped to deliver more effective service transformation? 1.Providing a clearer strategic narrative 2.Leadership 3.Employee involvement and communications 4.Providing staff (and managers) with the skills needed in the new model 5.Organisational and / or job design aligned to the new model 6.Embedding values and culture 7.Updating the reward strategy
Who causes you the most resistance to service transformation? 1.Councillors 2.Leadership Team 3.Service Managers 4.Front line staff 5.Other corporate staff e.g. HR, finance, IT 6.Trade unions 7.Residents
Who provides you with the most support when delivering service transformation? 1.Councillors 2.Leadership Team 3.Service Managers 4.Front line staff 5.Other corporate staff e.g. HR, finance, IT 6.Trade unions 7.Residents