Preventable disease is causing early death and disability in Suffolk W What can we do now that will impact soon?
MalesFemales LEHLE Yrs of disability LEHLE Yrs of disability *18.0
What we looked at Health and social care activity and spend. Conditions and modifiable risk factors. amenable to prevention. Conditions that co-occur. Links between risk factors and diseases. The impact of modifiable risks on the number of years lived with disability. The potential impact on health and care cost of managing existing disease better. The potential of primary prevention.
In Focus People aged 65 and over in Suffolk 48% of all emergency admissions to hospital, and 40% of publically funded adult social care
Preventable risks & diseases associated with admission
Co-occurring illnesses Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol and obesity At least one mental health condition, commonly depression and anxiety, thyroid problems, neurological disorders eg dementia, pain, asthma or COPD, MSK, obesity & GORD At least one musculoskeletal problem was identified such as arthritis, back or neck pain and osteoporosis. These were associated with obesity, prostatic hypertrophy & GORD
Years lived with disability per year, by risk factor in Suffolk
CVD 1 in 10 of all emergency admissions 7,300 admissions during 2013/14 Risk is increased with some lifestyle behaviours and coexistence of other conditions. Opportunities in lifestyle behaviours and better management Respiratory 75% from smoking COPD, pneumonia and chest infections- 60% of all unplanned respiratory admissions. 14,000 people on GP registers with COPD in Suffolk in 2013/14, an increase of over 3% on the previous year. Frailty Increased vulnerability in older people who become less able to cope with events that would not pose a serious health threat for others. At least 15,300 frail individuals in Suffolk 26,000 by Ensuring people remain fit, strong and healthy could delay onset of frailty.
The Potential Hypertension - 25,000 people are not managing it well in Suffolk Atrial fibrillatio n - affects over 13,500 people in Suffolk Cardiac rehabilitation – No overall figures for uptake available Diabetes - nearly 38,000 diagnosed with diabetes in Suffolk
High Blood Pressure
Atrial Fibrillation
And more… Cardiac rehabilitation – reduces deaths, improves quality of life, we don’t know the uptake in Suffolk Diabetes - 38,000 diagnosed, 7,500 undiagnosed Respiratory – 1/3 COPD undiagnosed, smoking, smoking, smoking Frailty - frequently unrecognised Dementia – 50% undiagnosed
Preventing conditions from developing in the first place Smoking tobacco Unhealthy Weight Lack of physical activity Alcohol consumption Making Every Contact Count Health Checks Flu vaccine Pneumococcal vaccine Isolation Supporting carers + high BP = 40% YLL to disability
There is more to do 18.5% of adults still smoke 67% of men and 57% of women are overweight or obese 27% of residents are physically inactive 20% of adults have alcohol drinking patterns which may be harmful lots
Making Every Contact Count Consistent evidence based lifestyle advice on smoking, weight, activity, alcohol Training available now….. In Suffolk, every NHS front line staff member does 10 pa = opportunities Social care, blue light, VCS…….
Recommendations 1.That this report forms the basis for the Suffolk Health and Wellbeing Board prevention strategy. 2.Improve the diagnosis and management of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, diabetes and COPD. 3.Improve the momentum in delivering the Health and Wellbeing Board tobacco and alcohol strategies. 4.Continue to drive an increase in physical activity. 5.Design services for greatest population prevention impact.
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