Key Areas of Research based on the workshop held at IIM Ahmedabad on 6 th July, 2013 Prof Rekha Jain Executive Chair IIMA IDEA Telecom Centre of Excellence, IIM Ahmedabad, India
1. Fixed Mobile/WiFi-LTE Convergence Device ecosystem, Feasibility to offload wireless traffic to fixed network indoors, Policy and regulatory issues Seamless transition on HetNet: − Creating a viable ecosystem (Dual Connectivity (LTE-WiFi) Sub 1 GHz backhaul − Millimetre wave backhaul, smart devices, intelligent software Research studies on Wi-Fi based deployments to provide data services
2. Spectrum Management Spectrum reforms: − Institutions and instruments − Framework for sharing and trading − Policy and regulatory structure − Creating mechanism to incentivize sharing excess spectrum benefitting seller/ buyer and the auctioneer − Regulation on MHz Studying the possibilities of quantifying additional spectrum by 2020 based on NTP2012 objectives: − Identifying additional spectrum for IMT as per ITU-R WP5D/JTG − Studying and identifying interference issues in new spectrum bands and develop mitigation plans through special filters Need for additional spectrum (Sub 1 GHz and Exploring TV white space market for Broadband in India, Utilization of white space for backhaul) Designing the framework for unified emergency spectrum management: common system of spectrum audit and spectrum optimization
3. Cloud/Distributed Computing Developing policy framework to address the concerns of cloud users and other stakeholders Identifying areas where existing regulations may impose unnecessary burden for example, feasibility study for the service delivery in cloud computing
4. Green Telecom Feasibility study on introduction of certified recycling process for handsets and devices Case studies on initiatives, improving existing operations (Power and fuel, specific models for suburban and rural areas) Research studies on issues related to implementation, pilot projects and economics of powering base stations with hybrid power and hybrid renewable power Complementing cellular services and reducing carbon emissions of large BTS with focus on interference cancelation
5. Institutional Issues Research studies on the role various institutions such as judiciary, TRAI and DoT in policy and regulatory issues. Writing case studies to diagnose the issues and suggest solutions (rationalizing on hindsight for learning for the future) for example Institutional roles of E-GOMs vis-à-vis TRAI and DoT Cost of regulatory compliance before and after the announcement of a new policy, for example cost benefit analysis of Mobile Number Portability; With respect to operators and customers. Study on the cost of green compliance Research study in rural penetration and adoption: Issues of power availability, infrastructure availability and utilization, applications and their adoption Spectrum reforms (as mentioned in point no. 2): − Institutions and instruments − Framework for sharing and trading − Policy and regulatory structure − Creating mechanism to incentivize sharing excess spectrum benefitting seller/ buyer and the auctioneer − Regulation on MHz
Thank you