Flesh Fly (Sarcophagidae) S triped thorax Blow & Greenbottle Flies (Calliphoridae) Metallic thorax and abdomen Early Stage Decomposition Late Stage Decomposition Life Cycle of a Calliphoridae Fly House Fly (Muscidae) Cheese Skipper (Piophilidae)
Rove Beetles (Staphylinidae) Predator of fly eggs Hide Beetles (Scarabidae) Usually the last to arrive Clown Beetles (Histeridae) Predator of fly eggs Skin Beetles (Dermestidae) Feed on dried skin & tissues Early Stage Decomposition Carrion Beetles ( Silphidae) Adults & larvae feed on fly larvae Early to Late Stage Decomposition Ham & Checkered Beetles (Cleridae) Predator of flies & beetles; also feed on dead tissue Late Stage Decomposition
Temperature Stiffness Time of death Warm Not stiff Dead less than three hours Warm Not stiff Dead less than three hours Warm Stiff Dead between 3 to 8 hours Warm Stiff Dead between 3 to 8 hours Cold Stiff Dead between 8 to 36 hours Cold Stiff Dead between 8 to 36 hours Cold Not stiff Dead in more than 36 hours Cold Not stiff Dead in more than 36 hours
Things to Remember … The progression of insect life follows a pattern, and the developmental rates of flies are relatively predictable. The rate of insect development is influenced by temperature because insects are ectothermic (“cold blooded”), which means their body temperatures are largely dictated by the outside temperature. Only when the outside temperature warms an insect’s internal body temperature to its critical level can the insect become active (and eat and grow). The postmortem interval—the time between death and discovery of the corpse – can be estimated using insect evidence and temperature data along with other factors, such as the presence of drugs in a corpse and conditions related to the corpse itself (wrapped in a material, in a closed room, exposed to outside conditions, etc.) Not all fly species are found everywhere, and this can provide important information also. For example, the skipper fly, Piophila nigriceps (pie-oh- FEEL-ah NYE-greh-cehps), is found only in urban settings. House flies, blow flies, and flesh flies can be found in both urban and rural settings.
It takes approximately days from egg to adult depending on the temperatures and humidity levels at the location of the body.
Flies, beetles, and many other insects have complete metamorphosis, which consists of four stages – egg, larva, pupa, and adult. After the adults mate, the females lay eggs onto corpses - usually near natural body openings or wounds. Metamorphosis Feeding activity is usually seen in the head region first (mouth, nostrils, eyes, ears), followed by the excretory and reproductive openings. The trunk of the body is invaded much later in the process. The length of the life cycle varies between different fly species and is dependent on temperature.
Case Studies For each case: 1 – Review the police report and weather report. 2 – Examine & document the collected evidence. Measure the length of the maggots & pupae. Record your data in the chart. Consult the Species Key and the tables on your lab page to determine the various fly species that were found on the corpse and their ages. 3 – Use the information from the reports and your examination to answer the questions.