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1. J.R.R.TOLKIEN…………………………………3 2. WORKS OF J.R.R.T. “THE CHILDREN OF HURIN”…………………………………………… LIST OF LITERATURE…………………………24 Content
Lovely country England gave birth to a lot of great writers. I stand out John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - a creator of the famous epic “The Lord of the Rings” and many other fantasy stories.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein, Orange Republic, where his parents, Arthur and Mabel Tolkien, came in order to promote Arthur’s career. Unfortunately, he died in 1896, when John Ronald was only three years, and Mabel with her two sons returned to England.
The family settled in Sarehole where beautiful scenery and watermill inspired Tolkien for descriptions of the magnificent nature in future.
Aspiring to find a foothold in life, Tolkien's mother adopted Catholicism and raised her children in the faith. Taking care of John Ronald’s education, she noticed that the boy had considerable language skills, especially to Old English.
Tolkien began to invent his own languages during his school years, and he did not throw this passion till his death. The most famous of these languages are “Elven Quenya” and “Sindarin” and “Dwarven Khuzdul”. Also Tolkien invented the alphabets – “Tengwar” and “Cirt”.
In 1904 Mabel Tolkien died of diabetes, having left her children to care to her confessor, Francis Morgan.
In 1908 Tolkien met Edith Brett, his future wife. But Francis Morgan forbade them to meet until John Ronald’s adulthood. Tolkien obeyed him. Finally having waited for three years, he made an offer to his sweetheart. She agreed and they got married.
In 1915 Tolkien graduated Oxford University. During World War I he participated in the Somme’s Battle. Later he felt ill with typhus. During treatment in the hospital, Tolkien wrote one of his first works – “The Fall of Gondolin”.
In order to create a basis for fictional languages Tolkien invented the history of the nation and the world of elves - Arda and Middle-earth. Throughout his life, he composed legends included in the book “The Silmarillion”. Edith Brett, who danced for her husband in a forest glade, became the prototype of one of the main characters - the beautiful elven princess Luthien.
Tolkien had four children: John, Michael, Christopher and Priscilla. Tolkien wrote for them funny letters on behalf of Father Christmas, published after his death. Also Tolkien wrote a fairy tale “The Hobbit, or There and Back Again” for them, which appeared in 1937.
Publishers of “The Hobbit” offered Tolkien to write a sequel. Thus the world famous “The Lord of the Rings” was born. He had been writing it from 1937 to The epic novel turned into an “Anglo-Saxon” epos from the continuation of fun fairy tale, which Tolkien wanted to create.
In the 1960s “Tolkien boom” began. The idea of peace and freedom, which “The Lord of the Rings” preached, gave Tolkien immense popularity. Tolkien even complained that his fans terribly bored and he changed the phone number.
In 1971 Edith Tolkien died. In 1973 John Ronald died. They were buried in the same grave, and on their tombstone the names of the heroes of one of the most beautiful love stories - Beren and Luthien - are inscribed.
After Tolkien’s death his son Christopher published the most of his works: “The Father Christmas Letters”, “The Silmarillion”, “Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle- earth”, “The History of Middle-earth”, “The Roverandom”, “The Children of Hurin”, “The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun”.
The most of Tolkien's works tell about Middle-earth, its system and inhabitants. Tolkien himself called these works the word "Legendarium". It consists of “The Hobbit, or There and Back Again”, “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Silmarillion”, “The Children of Hurin”, “Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-earth” and twelve- volume “The History of Middle- earth”.
I want to tell you about “The Children of Hurin”. It’s one of my favorite books.
Tolkien identified three main stories among the many legends of “The Silmarillion”: about Beren and Luthien, about Tuor and the fall of Gondolin and about the Children of Hurin. The latter had a wide variety of stories and draft versions, and Christopher Tolkien decided to release the most holistic version in a separate book.
This story tells about the fate of Turin and Nienor, the children of Hurin’s ruling, who was captured by Morgoth, the Dark Lord of the North. Hurin and all his family was cursed for disobeying, and unhappiness fells on Turin, the main character of the book. Since childhood he had to leave his mother and newborn sister and run away from his native kingdom, conquered enemies to Doriath, the country of elves.
Grown up and matured Turin left Doriath because of hatred and envy and contacted with the robbers. But when his old friend Beleg found them, Turin turned a gang of robbers into the squad of the defenders and fought with the hordes of Morgoth. Turin famed as a great warrior, but he landed in captivity because of betrayal. And when Beleg tried to save his friend, Turin took him in the dark for an enemy and pierced with a sword.
After long wanderings Turin settled in forest Brethil among ordinary people. There he met a girl who lost her memory, fell in love and married her. He did not know that she was his sister Nienor that Turin has ever seen. After some time, the forest was attacked by the dragon Glaurung and Turin came to fight with him. Dying dragon told the truth to the children of Hurin. Unable to bear it, Nienor jumped off a cliff, and Turin rushed to his sword. The book ends that their parents came to the Turin’s grave. It’s a sad story.
I think JRR Tolkien is one of Britain's greatest writers. He was able to write books where beautiful and sad are combined wonderfully. I like Tolkien for beauty word, for sublimity and for epic of the legends, for reasonableness of the world. He truly loved his Middle-earth.
List of literature