Multiple deprivation deprived Managerial and professional Semi-skilled unskilled manufacturing temporary Possessing some skills but not enough to so specialised work. Highly skilled and usually well paid jobs. Suffering a severe and damaging lack of material and cultural benefits. Something that serves for a limited amount of time. Seven indicators of deprivation are combined to give this measure. The seven basic indicators are; income, employment, health and disability, education, skills and training, barriers to social housing and services, living environment including air quality and traffic accidents. Lacking skill or technical training. Usually a low paid job Consists of companies that convert raw materials into finished goods or make and assemble components. Part of the Secondary sector.
When Ken Livingstone was Mayor of London he supported Newham for the Olympics location because...
Figure 5 – The age-sex structure of Newham’s population compared to the UK, 2001
Demographic Transition Model 1- High fluctuating 2 – Early expanding 3 – Late expanding 4 – Low fluctuating 5 - Decline
Demographic Transition Model: 4) Low Fluctuating A period of low and birth rates. Natural change hovers between increase and decrease. This stage has a “greying” population: It gets older. Death rate is kept low by improving healthcare. Birth rate is kept low by more effective birth control, and women waiting longer to have a family.
Figure 5 – The age-sex structure of Newham’s population compared to the UK, 2001 Add labels the population pyramid above which give details about the ‘demographics’ in the Newham area. Which has the biggest % Which has the smallest % How does it compare to the UK?
Add labels about how it compares to Newport...
Question about population What problems might this population structure present?
Figure 6 – The ethnic structure of Newham compared to England in 2006
Question about ethnicity... 1.Compare the ethnic structures of Newham and England as a whole.
What about Newport? How does it compare to where you live?
Figure 7 – Deprivation in Newham compared to the least and most deprived areas of England and Wales, 2008 How deprived is Newham? (there are 20 bars along the graph).
Figure 8 – How incomes in Newham (shown by the arrow) compare with the rest of England and Wales, 2008 Figure 9a – Employment status in Newham, 2001 Figure 9b – Employment type in Newham, 2001 Why might incomes be so low in Newham? (think about the old manufacturing industry and a move from secondary to tertiary industry?
Figure 8 – How incomes in Newham (shown by the arrow) compare with the rest of England and Wales, 2008 Figure 9a – Employment status in Newham, 2001 Figure 9b – Employment type in Newham, 2001