Jesus is both frustrated and angry with the religious leaders.
Triumphal Entry King Jesus arrives Jesus tosses the money tables… drives the lenders out Jesus curses the barren fig tree Jesus is confronted by the religious leaders, “By what authority? Who gave it to you?”
Lesson: Doing the will of God is the one thing that is needed by followers of Jesus.
Jesus is frustrated… with their lack of integrity to do the right thing. To follow the clear path of truth.
Go. I will not. Goes. Go. I will. Does not go.
“… the tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you!”
Easy to understand. Preached good news of salvation.
“… the tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you!”
Belgic Confession Article 5: even the blind themselves are able to see that the things in the Bible are true. Article 7: The Bible is so complete in its picture of the story of salvation that people cannot miss it.
I will? Or I will not? Who are you?