Labor Unions Labor unions are worker organizations whose goal is to improve working conditions, increase pay and gain benefits such as retirement plans and health insurance. A good example of a modern labor union is the UAW- United Auto Workers. Professional Athletes have their Player Unions.
Workers Unite What conditions led to the formation of labor unions 1. Low wages- Industrial workers averaged about $1.50 a day. 2. Long Hours hours a week 3. Dangerous and unhealthy working conditions- 35,000 accidental work deaths each year. 500,000 injuries Child Labor- Young Children averaged 60 hours of work each week.
Knights of Labor Knight’s of Labor- Led by Uriah Stephens. Formed in 1869 and hoped to organize all working men and women into a single union, including African-Americans. Equal pay for equal work, eight hour work day and an end to child labor.
American Federation of Labor American Federation of Labor- led by Samuel Gompers. Formed as a craft union(Skilled workers) and focused on three major issues. Wages Working conditions Working hours.
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) ***Industrial Workers of the World – 1905 ‘Wobblies” All workers invited to join. ***They advocated the overthrow of capitalism These were radicals.
Strikes: Great Strike of 1877 This was a strike against the railroads. President Rutherford B. Hayes sent federal troops to stop the strike. This action,known as the Great Strike, showed that employers could depend on the government in dealing with strikes and labor.
Haymarket Riot In May of 1866 workers mounted a national demonstration in support of the eight hour day. A radical exploded a bomb that killed and wounded several police and a riot broke out killing both police and striking workers. This action turned public opinion against unions as people associated unions with anarchy and violence.
Homestead This was a strike against Carnegie Steel Pinkertons were called in break the strike. The strike finally ended with the workers making no gains.
Pullman Strike This was a strike against George Pullman who produced Pullman RR sleeper cars. President Cleveland responded with a court injunction against the union and sent federal troops to make sure it was enforced. This act showed that Union owners could look to the courts for help in labor disputes.
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire 1911 One event, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, killed 146 people which started a cause of safer working conditions. The majority were young women. Sweatshops were also common Usually in apartments, or unused buildings Very little pay, the workers were usually immigrants
What factors led to the decline of labor unions? 1. The government usually took the side of the owners, like Carnegie and Rockefeller. 2. The public usually took the side of the owners. Many thought the union people were dangerous radicals trying to overthrow the US Government. 3. Most people believed in Laissez Faire and that government should not get involved in the affairs of business. 4. Immigrants, desperate for work, were often used as strikebreakers.
Labor Related Terms Yellow-dog contract- Workers were required to sign agreements agreeing not to join unions. To do so would get you fired. Blacklist-If you were a union person your name would be placed on a list and passed on to other potential employers. Lockout- If workers went on strike, the owners would lock them out. The owners had lots of money. The workers would eventually have to come back, usually at lower wages. Scabs- A scab was a name given to workers that took the jobs of other workers who were on strike. Often these were immigrants.
More labor related terms Strike- Workers would walk off the job in hopes of shutting down the factory. The plan was for the owners to lose money and thus give in to the demands of the workers. Collective bargaining- When the owners recognize a union and agree to bargain with the union to come up with a plan to meet some of the worker’s demands, which were usually more money, better conditions etc. Boycott- A tactic by unions that would have people not buy the products of businesses that did not treat its workers fairly.