Setting up an Online Giving Account The following pages will guide you through the easy process of creating an account to make online donations to Trinity Lutheran Church. Online giving is 100% safe and secure. Saves writing a check – just drop empty offering envelope in offering tray each week. Flexible options: One-Time, Weekly, Monthly. Great way to support Trinity’s mission when absent from worship.
Go to Trinity’s website at andhttp:// click on the “Online Giving” button on the left menu bar.
Select “Create Profile”
Enter Address, confirm and click “Continue”
Enter “Last Name” Enter “First Name” Enter “Address” Enter “City” Enter “State/Zip” Enter “ ” Enter “Password” Enter “Create Profile”
Click “Add Transaction”
Select frequency and start date: One time, weekly or monthly. Select “Continue” Enter donation amount in desired designations
Select a checking or savings account to deduct donations from. Click “Process”
Then click “Process” Enter bank “Routing Number” Enter bank “Account Number”
That is it! The rest is automatic, should you choose the recurring option. Choosing the recurring option ensures a weekly or monthly donation that the church depends on to deliver it’s mission. Once your account is set-up you can log-in and make desired changes at any time. Thank you for considering enhancing your stewardship practices through online giving. Trinity Finance Committee