1 The Parables Keys to the Kingdom of God
2 Give me... You already learnt about the Kingdom of God in Primary 5. …what you can remember?
3 Matthew. 13, 10 – The disciples came to him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?" 11 He replied, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.” Activity Let’s read together…
4 to explain the general meaning of the parables to identify the reasons why Jesus told parables Today we are going to learn…
5 Activity Parables - keys to the Kingdom of God A parable is a story with a deep meaning that gives people an important message Parables can be found in each of the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
6 Give me... Reasons why you think Jesus told parables?
7 Jesus told parables because: He wanted to show what God is like to everyone. He wanted to get a message across to the people. Stories are interesting and therefore most likely to be remembered. People wanted to listen to what He said.
8 What is the Kingdom of God compared to in the following parables? Use a Bible to help you and Write the answers in your jotter. Activity
9 Group I, V - Mark 4:30-32 Group II, VI- Luke 13:20-21 Group III, VII - Matthew 13: 44 Group IV - Matthew 13: 45-46
10 a mustard seed yeast treasure a pearl The Kingdom of God is compared to...
11 Jesus told Parables about ordinary, everyday things: They are often about farming and shepherding because those were the contexts that his listeners were familiar with.
12 Choose one of the Kingdom parables and retell it in a context that people today could identify with. Activity
13 FAST FINISHERS TASK A p……………………. is a s……………….. with a hidden meaning. J………… told parables to t……………… people about the Kingdom of God. Parables are stories about o…………… everyday things. Jesus told a parable about a tiny m……………s………… The parable had a hidden m…………………… The ground is like a person’s heart. The mustard seed is like G……………. l………………… The small plant is like a good action. A fully grown tree is like the K……………… of G……….
14...it should look like this... A parable is a story with a hidden meaning. Jesus told parables to teach people about the Kingdom of God. Parables are stories about ordinary everyday things. Jesus told a parable about a tiny mustard seed. The parable had a hidden meaning. The ground is like a person’s heart. The mustard seed is like God’s love. The small plant is like a good action. A fully grown tree is like the Kingdom of God.
15 What have you learnt today?
16 Think of a small thing you've done and explain how your small action could make a difference to someone or something. Time for further reflection...