Year 10 Religious Education Summer Exam 2015 Revision
The Beatitudes The word ‘Beatitude’ means ‘blessed’ or ‘happy’. The Beatitudes are found in Matthew/Luke. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Blessed are those who are humble for they shall inherit the earth.
Are The Beatitudes important today? Yes they are: They are Jesus’ teachings- will always be important. They offer a reward for those who suffer on earth. They tell us how to get into heaven. The tell us to look out for the outcasts and down trodden. No they are not: They were written 2,000 years ago. We live in a secular society and people don’t follow Christian teaching today. The world doesn’t value the poor, humble and peacemaker today.
Parable of the Talents A parable is a short story with a moral and challenges us to change our actions. Jesus told parables to teach about the Kingdom of God and because people couldn’t read or write. The parable of the Talents can help us live our life well: – We all have talents even if they are different. – It doesn’t matter what talent we have it’s how we use it that matters. – We should use our talents for the good of God and others.
Issues of Life and Death The Sanctity of Human Life means: – Human life is sacred, – Human life is made in the image and likeness of God. – God is the author of life and only He can take it. – The Commandment says, “Do not kill”.
Should human life always be protected? Yes: The Commandment says, “Do not kill”. Human life is made in the image and likeness of God. God is the author of life and only He can take it. No: Personal Autonomy: women have the right to choose what happens to their body- abortion. Dignity: People have a right to die with dignity. Criminals who murder deserve to lose their own life. Quality of Life- if someone is in a PVS they should have their life ended.
War and Peace What does the bible teach about war and peace? – “Blessed are the peacemakers”. – “Those who live by the sword will die by the sword”. – “Do not kill”. – “An eye for an eye” Just War Theory – Proper Authority – Just Cause – Right Intention – In proportion – Lasting Peace
Should world religions be taught in schools? Yes: We live in a multicultural society- all should be equal. Schools should prepare children for the multicultural society outside school. Can help stop radicalisation. Can lead to a more tolerant and accepting society. No: It might dilute the Christian/ Catholic faith. Ireland is a Christian country and that should remain. Children should know their own faith before learning others.
Lent and Easter Trocaire means ‘mercy’ Lenten campaign was Climate change in Ethiopia- aim was climate justice. Death of Jesus is important as it forgives our sins, fixes our relationship with God and shows God’s love for us. Resurrection is important as it offers the possibility of eternal life and shows Jesus’ victory over evil. At the Last Supper Jesus said, “This is my body…this is my blood”. – “All of you will run away and leave me…God will kill the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered”.