Reformation Sunday The Five Solas Scripture Alone Faith Alone Grace Alone Christ Alone To God’s Glory Alone
THE PARABLE OF THE SOILS a change in the way Jesus taught the people parables A parable takes common, everyday events of life and uses them to illustrate God’s spiritual principles. A parable is designed to teach one primary truth.
He used parables to reveal truth to those who were open to what God was saying and to conceal truth from those who had closed their minds to what God was saying. …required people to think about what they were hearing.
The “soil” in this parable represents the heart or the mind of the person who hears the Gospel of grace. Some revile it, some reject it and some receive it.
Parable Of The Soils or Minds THE CLOSED MIND THE CHANGING MIND THE CLUTTERED MIND THE CULTIVATED MIND plowed deeply by the Word of God, and tilled by the convicting work of the Holy Ghost