Welcome to Worship March 12, 2016
Clicker Check: How are you doing today? a) Wonderful b) Blessed c) Great d) Fine e) Don’t have anything nice to say
Missions without evangelism: A) Serves as temporary relief B) Has no eternal consequence C) Is easier D) All of the above E) I don’t know
1) There is eternal consequences to how we live on earth (either heaven or hell) 2) (Hell) is so bad that you would not want anybody to go 3) (Heaven) seems to be pretty sweet 4) Once on the other side, its too late 5) There is something we can do about it now (hence the rich man wanted to warn bros)
Remember you were to ask/tell someone about church. a) Didn’t do it. b) Forgot to do it. c) I did it once, no results d) I did it multiple times, no results e) I did it multiple times, good/varying results
How often do you share your faith? A) Never B) Seldom-Never C) Not as much as I should D) Better than most, but could still improve E) I make the apostle Paul look timid
Not the final goal, but a great start and a good habit.
a) Learn biblically based Doctrine b) Hang out as Christians c) Communion (and other such sacraments) d) Prayer and worship e) Lead people to accepting Christ
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. (NKJV)
“You may be the only bible some people read” I agree, but how do we add words?
a) Tell someone you will pray for them. b) Encourage someone towards God/Christ c) Invite someone to Church d) Share the Gospel e) All of the above
The good news of Christ’s love! How much does God Love you?... “this much” Can you share what is important to you?
a) Grace and faith b) Church membership (particularly ours) c) Reading the Bible regularly d) Praying a prayer with the pastor e) Responding to an alter call
Grace- what God has done (free gift, underserved) Faith- how we respond (accept, believe, confess, surrender, etc. are all churchy words that we use to name this)
Invite someone to church, Grove if appropriate. Remember this is about Kingdom building. Extra credit: ask more…