1 Core Competencies for Primary School Teachers in Crisis Contexts
Module 4 Curriculum and Planning Session 1: Using Curriculum 2
Reflection When beginning a new school year, how do you know what to teach? 3
Objectives By the end of this session you will be able to: ● Identify the purpose of following curriculum in teaching preparation and classroom instruction. ● Read a given curriculum and determine the key components. ● Identify the learning standards for your own subject or grade level. 4
Exploring Curriculum 1.What are the essential learning objectives for the school year for your grade or subject? In other words, what MUST your students know before moving on to the next level? This may not include every objective listed in the curriculum. 1.How many units are in the curriculum for your subject/grade? How many lessons? Think about your own classroom experience. Do you think this is enough or too much to cover in one school year? 1.Look at the given order or sequence of units and lessons. Is this logical? Would you like to make any changes to help your students be more successful in learning the listed skills or knowledge? 1.Consider your own teaching preparation. What would it look like to plan your lessons based on the curriculum provided? 1.Consider your students and local community. How does the curriculum include or exclude students and community members? How might the content of the curriculum be more inclusive? 1.Do you think any important lessons are missing from the given curriculum? Are any important skills missing from the learning objectives? 5
Making the curriculum relevant and meaningful 1.Is the curriculum that we have studied today different to the one you used as a child, or the one you used in your home country? What are the similarities and differences? 1.How can you improve your own knowledge about topic areas that you are not so familiar with? 1.How can you make sure that the curriculum is still relevant to your students’ lives? 6
Module 4 Curriculum and Planning Session 2: Long Term Planning and Learning Objectives 8
Objectives ●Explain the purpose of long term planning ●Define the steps needed to plan a scheme of work ●Create a scheme of work with SMART objectives and assessments for immediate planning and classroom instruction 9 By the end of this session you will:
When you are preparing your favorite meal... ●What steps do you need to take? ●Is the sequence important? ●Is the timing important? 10
11 Curriculum - the learning objectives, topics and assessments to be covered in the year UNIT Scheme of Work Lessons
Creating a scheme of work Stage 1: What is the goal of the unit that you are planning to teach? Stage 2: What are the skills, knowledge and concepts students will need to achieve the goal? Stage3: In what order (sequence) should you teach these different aspects? Stage4: How long will you need to reach the goal? Stage 5: How will you measure/assess that the students have reached the goal? 12
SMART Objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Bound 13
Objectives - SMART? By the end of the lesson, students will be able to draw and label the key features of a river. By the end of the lesson, students will understand the story. By the end of the lesson students will know the parts of the human body. 14
Module 4 Curriculum and Planning Session 3: Lesson Planning 16
Our criteria for a good lesson 1)‘I do, We do, You do’ 2)D 3)D 4)D 5)D 17
Objectives ●Describe the key components of a good lesson plan. ●Explain how to use a lesson plan to achieve learning objectives. ●Effectively plan lessons according the lesson plan criteria. 18 By the end of this session you will be able to:
Analyzing lesson plans 1.What does this lesson plan do well? 1.Is there anything that you would do to improve the lesson plan? 19
Module 4 Curriculum and Planning Session 4: Making Lessons Relevant and Meaningful 21
Objectives By the end of this session you will be able to: Explain why lessons should be meaningful and relevant to students’ lives. Plan lessons that relate to students lives by using meaningful examples. Plan lessons that incorporate local resources to inspire students. 22
What really motivates and interests your students? A song? A sport? A game? An event? A person? 23
Which examples are more meaningful? Why? A. What is the distance between point A and point B? B. John walks from his home for half a kilometer to collect water from the community well. How far does John have to walk with his full bucket to reach home? A. Why hygiene is important? B. Write a story about why hygiene is so important in your community. 24
Question 1.What did you learn from this activity? 2.What information helped you with any challenges you have? 3.How can this information make a difference for your teaching practices? 27
Planning and Action 1.Think of three lessons you are teaching next week. 2.For each lesson come up with two strategies to make those lessons more meaningful and relevant for your students. 3.After 10 MINUTES share your ideas with your partner. 4.Tell your partner two positive things about their strategies. Tell them one thing that they could do to make it even better. 28