HOW CAN WE HELP KIDS SPEND MORE TIME OUTSIDE? Objective – what will the 5 th grade students learn? How to enhance the health of Kindergarten students by creating PE / outside activities Learning Outcomes – SWBAT (Students Will Be Able To…) …Create a 1 week PE curriculum for K students with 30+ minutes of MVPA daily … Create an age-appropriate obstacle course
PE STATE STANDARDS Students will use these in their lesson plans: K 1.1 Travel within a large group without bumping into others or falling, while using locomotor skills. K 2.5 Identify the locomotor skills of walk, job, run, hop, jump, slide, and gallop. K 3.1 Participate in physical activities that are enjoyable and challenging. K 4.9 Identify the body part involved when stretching. K 5.3 Demonstrate the characteristics of sharing in a physical activity.
5 TH GRADE COMMON CORE STANDARDS In doing this lesson, students will learn: W 5.2. a-e Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. W 5.7 Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
IDENTIFY PROBLEM Students will identify 3 health or academic issues as to why Kindergarten students need at least 30 minutes of MVPA daily. Ex: Over half of the children in the US are overweight or obese, with a higher risk of childhood diabetes.
PROVE THE ISSUE Students will find at least 3 research articles that prove that at least 30 minutes of MVPA is beneficial and necessary to students. Students will then write 2 paragraphs on each article (what is the issue, how the issue can be solved), and combine in one paper. “Research shows that physical activity improves academic performance and decreases behavior problems… Physical activity positively impacts physical, social, and emotional health… Nearly one-half of children in US are overweight or obese”
SOLUTION TO ISSUE Students will use previous research and State Standards to create a one-week PE lesson plan with an obstacle course on the last day (cumulative lesson). Students will take pictures of Kindergarten students participating in each day’s lesson and create a poster to present to the class.
PRESENT INFORMATION Students will use previously created poster and paper to explain issues in PE and how to help students move more while playing outside.
REFLECTION/REVISION Students will write a one-page reflection/revision paper on what they learned and if each day’s PE activity was successful (if yes: how to expand; if no: how to modify).