Religiosity and Spirituality in Patient Centered Care: Clinical Issues and Cultural Competence Clyde T. Angel, DMin.,BCC,LPC,VHA-CM John Sullivan, LCSW
Spirituality and Religiosity O Spirituality can be an important part of an individuals spiritual journey but can also exist independent of extant faith traditions. O Spirituality is much more subjective, based on individual beliefs and perceptions. Religiosity is typically linked to a specific religious traditions to include sacred texts and definitive moral codes.
Religiosity Religiosity has declined in the Western World Religiosity remains high in the US O 91% of Americans believe in God O 60% describe themselves as being religious
Challenges facing a holistic model of treatment Historically ambivalent relationship between religion and psychiatry that persists to this day Psychiatry has become increasingly bio focused
Positive Association between religiosity and mental health Established research indicating a positive association between religiosity and mental health. Research confirms religiosity promotes healing and facilitate recovery amongst those with various physical and mental illnesses. Religion serves as a resource in the face of adversity, distress, and suffering. Provides access to a community of people who can offer material, moral, emotional, and social support.
Quote: “Person-centered care is now seen as integral to the practice of modern medicine. Such person-centered care involves harnessing the person’s preexisting strengths and social resources to facilitate recovery. Research indicates that persons with mental illness may feel that their religiosity is often under- harnessed by clinicians as a therapeutic tool. As such, improving religious competence among clinicians is vital if everyday psychiatric care is to become truly person-centered.” Psychiatric Times – “Religious Understanding as Cultural Competence: Issues for Clinicians”
Religious/Spiritual Competence: What does it look like? DODON’T O Ask the right questions O Keep an open mind O Examine and be comfortable in your belief system O Seek their interpretation of religious and spiritual concepts O Evangelize O Be careful not to interpret what patient shares from your belief perspectives
ADDITIONAL TIPS Partner with community-based and readily available chaplains to support religiously/spiritually inclined patients Identify competent pastoral/spiritual counselors in the community and build a relationship for referral Identify local places of worship in the community Establish spirituality groups within the practice