OPERATING DEFICIT Historically College has supported Cafeteria Operations Last year Cafeteria was in the black Audit finding since Problem throughout the State College commitment to providing food service for students
OPERATING STATEMENTS (in $ thousands) Food Sales1,1711,1431, College Support Total Revenue1,2511,2631,2501, Food Cost Salaries and Benefits Other Expenses Total Expenses1,2331,2841,2501, Net Profit18(21)013
REASONS FOR DEFICIT Staff Salaries and Benefits Salaries above market Retirement Full medical Increased competition College budget cuts Cafeteria layout Recession
ACTIONS TAKEN Student Surveys Menu and portion sizes Reduced product inventory Vendor comparisons Franchising (Subway) Consultant Review Accepting Credit Cards Reduced staffing Offload Expenses
ACTIONS PLANNED Partnership with Culinary Arts Remodel of upstairs cafeteria
FUTURE OF CAFETERIA Continue to try to improve operations to make Cafeteria more self sufficient with the understanding that it will always need College support. Eliminate food services entirely. Downsize operations. Outsourcing opportunities
RESTRICTIONS OF ACTIONS CSEA bargaining agreement No contracting out classified work Education Code Food Service positions are part of the classified service Contracting for services performed by classified employee to achieve cost savings is permissible if: Contractor pay rates are at industry levels and do not undercut district pay rates. Contract does not cause displacement of district employees.