Smyser School Mrs. Berry – Counselor Mrs. Wasik - Facilitator
High School Choices Neighborhood School Selective Enrollment School Military Academy C T E or Career Academy Magnet School Charter School AVID Program International Baccalaureate Programme …. and more
Neighborhood School Taft High School Schurz (North of Irving Park) Regular Program – no application to complete Must go to Taft to register and to select courses -usually in March IB Diploma Program* JROTC Navy* AP classes AVID* Career & Technical Education (South of Irving Park) Regular Program – no application to complete Schurz counselors come to Smyser to register and to select courses IB Diploma Program* JROTC Army AP classes AVID Career & Technical Education* * Application required
Office of Access and Enrollment One Stop Shop for Applying to High Schools Online applications Print out paper applications Get information about High School Programs Use PIN # that will arrive in the fall
Selective Enrollment High Schools Lane Tech Northside College Prep Whitney Young Walter Payton Jones Prep NWEA scores determine whether or not your child is eligible to apply (A minimum NWEA MAP percentile of 24 in both reading and math is needed) Entrance Exam required Applicants are ranked by a composite score consisting of 7 th grade report card grades & NWEA scores, and the entrance exam score Application - Rank order of preference important
Magnet Schools Disney II HS (Fine Arts/Technology) Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center Senn HS (Fine & Performing Arts) Dance Music Theater Visual Arts Minimum NWEA scores of 24 th percentile in both reading and math needed to apply
Scholars Program at Von Steuben Magnet School Application 60 th percentile or higher in both reading and math NWEA scores Essay Letter of Recommendation
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Lincoln Park, Taft, Prosser, Schurz, Steinmetz Developing knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect Academically challenging program Diploma Programme Middle Years Programme Career Certificate Minimum NWEA scores of 24 th percentile in both reading and math and minimum 2.5 GPA needed to apply Attendance at one Information Session required
Lincoln Park High School Double Honors Program Minimum 85 th percentile in both reading and math and 3.0 GPA (no D’s or F’s) Performing Arts Program Resume Minimum 2.25 GPA (no D’s or F’s) Above the 70 th percentile in both reading and math No online applications available for the:
Military Academies and JROTC programs Military Academies Use Selective Enrollment Forms Must have NWEA MAP percentiles that total 48 or more (e.g., 20 in reading, 28 in math; 10 in reading, 38 in math) Must attend an Information Session at one of the six Academies Selections will be based on a point system with a maximum of 500 points 7th grade final (cumulative) grades (100 points) NWEA MAP scores (100 points) Two-part assessment (100 for each part)* Essay (100 points)* * Completed during information session School-within-a-School Taft Naval Academy Steinmetz Army Academy Paper application required
Career and Technical Education College and Career Academies Prepare students for college and career success Offer hands-on training in various industries Receive college scholarships Attain industry-recognized certifications Earn college credit Participate in job shadows & internships Attend college fairs & tours Compete in city, state and national competitions Schurz – Automotive Technology, Business, Digital Media, Pre-Engineering* Roosevelt – Culinary Arts, Education, Health Sciences*, Cisco Networking*, Game Programming Amundsen - Game Programming, Web-Design Mather - Game Programming, Web-Design, Pre-Law Foreman – Web Design, Digital Media Jones* – Pre-Law, Pre-Engineering * More selective admission requirements
Prosser Career Academy Business Cluster Computer Gaming Concepts Hospitality Cluster Culinary Arts/Food Service Communications Cluster Graphic Design Graphic Communications/Printing Manufacturing Cluster Modern Machine Technology Construction Cluster Construction Technology Cabinet Making HVAC Transportation Cluster Automotive Technology Auto Body Repair No online application available Admission selection based on: 7 th grade NWEA scores Grades Conduct Attendance
Charter Schools Chicago Academy Chicago International Northtown Campus Intrinsic Chicago High School for the Arts (ChiArts)* Application - Parents send or deliver directly to school Lottery Selection – waiting list * Unique application process including audition
Parochial Schools St. Pat’s Luther North Guerin Prep Notre Dame for Girls Notre Dame for Boys Resurrection Loyola Academy Parents obtain and submit forms Smyser provides information as needed Entrance Exam required
CPS Gems Police and Firefighters Training Academy (CTPF) Early College STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) School (Lakeview H.S.) DeVry University Advantage Academy Gallery 37 After School Matters
For More Information Attend “Open House” activities Prepare questions to ask high school staff Research websites Eligibility Letter PIN# Summary of grades and test scores List of schools to which your child can apply will arrive next September Next Year - regarding the application process Call Mrs. Berry or Mrs. Wasik at us Send a note – include a daytime phone number if possible Please Be Patient !!!!
Parents Please save final 7 th grade report card Make a copy of the 1 st quarter 8 th grade report card before returning it Review deadlines with your child Don’t wait until the last minute (applications, essays, letters of recommendation) Check applications carefully (deadlines, signatures) Turn in completed applications as soon as possible Understand that acceptance letters are “binding” Return only one acceptance letter. Accept only one school placement. Check your child’s progress regularly Is the assignment notebook filled out everyday? Is homework being completed and turned in? Is enough time being spent studying for tests? Are you taking advantage of Parent Portal – Text Alerts? Next year: Is your child on track for graduation?
Students Take home messages promptly Pay attention to high school information when given in class Work hard every quarter in 7 th grade and in 8 th grade - Don’t stop working after the acceptance letters arrive Remember that not getting an acceptance letter is disappointing – but not the end of the world !!!! Don’t forget that next year GRADUATION is your immediate goal - otherwise it won’t matter where you want to go to high school or where you’ve been accepted
Final Considerations Take a CTA practice “run” – Determine a “meet” point Increase your “odds” – apply for more than 1 school Make a life lesson of the disappointments that most likely will occur Encourage your child academically - Remind your child: to stay motivated to read, read, read to participate in class to complete homework to prepare for tests Help your child grow and become more independent and self-sufficient Let them go (a little) – Give them responsibilities – Show them that you trust them and have faith in them – Allow them to experience natural consequences