AMLF Charter Basic Principles as Agreed on 12 March 2014 Lilongwe, Malawi
MISSION: To provide African military law practitioners with a platform to strengthen cooperation and facilitate collaboration with other stakeholders to promote respect for human rights, international humanitarian law, and the rule of law on the continent.
Objectives: To promote independence and impartiality within military justice systems and encourage adherence to international norms. To promote understanding of, implementation of, and compliance with international instruments, treaties, and customary international law relating to human rights and international humanitarian law To promote the prevention of human rights abuses and atrocities on the continent To build consensus on the content for training military personnel in human rights, international humanitarian law, and the rule of law
Objectives: To publish information on relevant topics of interest in military law To promote sub-regional, regional, and continental cooperation among African military law practitioners To establish a network of African military lawyers and link them to their colleagues on other continents and in other legal institutions Encourage sharing of resources and best practices among African military law practitioners
OBJECTIVES: Discuss rules of engagement and their application to the spectrum of operations on the continent. To organize periodic meetings for African military law practitioners
Additional Principles Lilongwe Principle: Do not create a small monster