Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Session #5 Paul J. Bucknell & Calvin Chiang Fight to Win
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Gain Strength #4 Three Foundations for Overcoming Believe what you choose Never be a victim “I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one” (1 John 2:14). Hope brings inspiration Never need to give up Strength from God’s Word Never fight alone
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 “I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one” (1 John 2:14). Fourth Foundation for Overcoming Light overpowers Darkness Never have to lose ✦ Point: “You have overcome the evil one!” ✦ Purpose: Remind us of our power in Christ; no fear ✦ Problem: Do not believe we have overcome ✦ Product: Feel manipulated ✦ Point: “You have overcome the evil one!” ✦ Purpose: Remind us of our power in Christ; no fear ✦ Problem: Do not believe we have overcome ✦ Product: Feel manipulated
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 Recognizing the Presence of Sin in Your Life
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 Spiritual Warfare “For you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.” (Ephesians 5:8-14).
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 The Spiritual War Ephesians 5:8-14Truths “For you were formerly darkness” (Eph 5:8) There is a war with two sides: darkness and light. “But now you are light in the Lord” (Eph 5:8) Christians are light because what the Lord has done for them. “Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth” (Eph 5:8-9) If one walks in the light, then he/she will not carry out deeds of darkness. “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness” (Eph 5:11) If one does not walk in the light, then he/she will carry out deeds of darkness.
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 Principles of Spiritual Warfare ❖ Light, truth, produces righteousness. (“God is Light”—1John 1:5-7) ❖ Darkness, lies (temptation, opposite of truth) produce sin. ❖ Light and darkness, like truth and falsehood, cannot coexist. ❖ Darkness always retreats in the presence of light. ❖ Darkness is not to be feared; just focus on walking in the light.
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 Finding the Source of Problems Identify your disobedient action or attitude Ask key “Questions” Be honest with yourself about why you don’t trust God. Find scripture that relate to this issue. What does God say? Respond and confess.
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5Examples --Example of 4 common sins: Vanity: Do you find yourself tempted to vanity or self-pity when lingering in front of a mirror? Lust: Does sexual lust or despair creep in on late nights? Pride: Are you prone to pride when you received a compliment? Anger: Are you easily angered in traffic or while waiting in line?
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 Key Questions 1.Why am I doing these things? 2.What is my heart longing for? 3.What am I desiring or valuing the most when I sin in this particular area?
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5Examples Using examples from before, we may desire the worth, companionship, confidence, or convenience. These things are not necessarily bad but when paired with a lie they can become deadly. Vanity: If you perform beautifully, then you are worthy. Lust: If you find sexual intimacy on the Internet, then you won’t be lonely or stressed. Pride: If you received more compliments, then you will become more confident. Anger: If you get angry, then you will be able to get your way. Many of the sins in our life can be traced back to deep belief in a lie. In order for us to discover true freedom, we need to expose those lies and replace it with God’s truth. Once we understand why we sin, the false promise that we believe, we can replace it with better promise.
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 Examining our Conclusions “I believe God’s Word is irrelevant to my life today.” Catch Respond “I believe God’s Word is very relevant to my life today.” Analyze
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 Life Applications Doubts and unbelief deny the power of God’s Word. Light, the truth, always overcomes the darkness. Spiritual warfare involves placing truth next to the lies. LL AA Key: Victory can always be found!
D2 Reaching Beyond Mediocrity Fight to Win #5 Life Sharing ✴ Restate the CAR points. Which is hardest for you and why? ✴ Work on Exercise #1. LifeLife ShareShare