Corporate Renewal and Outreach Evangelism Week 6
Stories of today’s searching 1.) “We want a community where we feel like we belong…” 2.) “I grew up in church, but my wife is really turned off to any organized religion…”
“Most people today do not “decide” to believe. In community they “discover” that they believe, and then they decide to affirm that publicly and to follow Christ intentionally. People are looking for a safe, accepting place to develop their identity and sense of self in community.” Richardson, 100.
We love our community! Why are pre-Christians not attracted to our community? 1.) Most churches have not learned William Temple, “The church is the only society in the world that exists for its non-members.”
John Stott, “Are we more like a church, or are we more like a club? A club spends its dues on the needs of the members. A church spends its dues on the needs of the nonmembers.”
Bill Hybels, “The toughest part about building a church that is welcoming to seekers is getting the members to be workers and funders for a ministry designed with someone else in mind.”
Second Reason “Most church believe they already have good fellowship for pre-Christians. Few of us are aware of how our group feels to pre- Christian people. We do not realize our language, acronyms, announcements, music, messages, the way we pray, and the way we greet people puts up very noticeable barriers for those who are not yet Christian.” Richardson, 101.
Like what? How should we think about outreach? 1.) Think through the experience of pre- Christians attendees from the time they leave home until they get back. What can help them feel comfortable? 2.) Designate greeters who are warm, look like the people you are trying to welcome, and are outgoing but not intrusive
3.) Nametags help people know this event is for new people, not just old- timers. 4.) Create a warm, light space filled with good energy. (music) 5.) Start and end with social interaction over food and drink.
6.) The first person who speaks needs to be warm, hospitable, comfortable and able to laugh at himself or herself. 7.) Avoid in-language, spiritual language and announcements for insiders only! 8.) In small groups, make sure there are more pre-Christians than Christians.
9.) In discussions, get everyone sharing, and don’t let anyone dominate. 10.) Keep worship simple, heartfelt, and understandable. 11.) Keep prayer simple and heartfelt. 12.) Keep the message or Bible Study humorous, spontaneous, chatty and intimate.
13.) Learn to have great parties and community building events (like working in a food pantry). 14.) Train leaders to help implement all this! 15.) Build a team to do all this!
What is the goal? A Church, a group marked by an authentic encounter with the Living God. Marked by: 1.) Authentic transparency from gospel-centered repentance and faith 2.) Real compassion and concern for the lost.
3.) Worship renewal marked by a.) heartfelt worship, b.) genuine and specific confession of sin, c.) listening prayer, d.) Gospel-centered messages of hope, renewal, and healing found through repentance and faith.
4.) risk taking across relational, racial, economic, and social boundaries; 5.) risk taking in reaching out to new people. Take people with you and do not be afraid to fail!