AGENDA Important Dates Abstracts and Submission Symposium Website Presenter’s Guide Poster and Oral Presentation Tips Symposium Run-through Funding Opportunities Questions
DATES Presenter Meeting: February 10 th, 5:00 p.m. TNR 120 Abstract Submission Deadline: February 19 th, Midnight Presenter Photo Session: March 3 rd from 12-2pm Proof Pages Available: March 8th Proof Pages Due: March 11 th, 4:00 p.m. Booklet Sent to Print: March 18 th Posters Printed and Hung Up & Oral Presentations upload PowerPoint: April 7 th –Posters: printed by 5pm AT THE LATEST! Preferably before, and hung up –Oral Presentations: download between 4 and 7pm Symposium: April 8 th
ABSTRACT Work with Mentor & 250 Word Limit Summary of entire study: Why do we care? –Hypothesis Where is the information gap? –Read up on the literature on the topic What basic methods/procedures did you use? Results –Do not give it all away, remember you are trying to entice the reader Conclusion –How do the results relate to the targeted gap?
RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM WEBSITE It’s here to help Website Submission form is now active Presenters Guide, everything you need to know! Helpful links
SUBMISSION METHOD Required fields include: names, majors/minors, advisor(s), title, abstract, poster/oral/both, and consideration for judging You cannot submit your abstract without filling all of these fields If there are problems, please contact us immediately so we can fix it Suggested Word Limit: 250
SUBMITTING YOUR ABSTRACT Submit abstracts online through our website by February 19 at Midnight: Proof-read for spelling and grammar –Use spell check, read it out loud, let others read it (peers, professors, your mentor) We do not want to spell check your work You’ll have time to re-proof it, but doing it well the first time helps us as well as you
SUBMITTING YOUR ABSTRACT Look at the booklet examples! Keep length around words –This is easy to check on word –If it is longer, it will be sent back to you to shorten If you have more than two authors per poster/oral presentation, try to keep it as short as you can. –Otherwise fonts get smaller, pictures get smaller and things look goofy
PHOTOS Photo Session: East Lobby of TNR March 3 rd from 12-2pm Dress professionally! –Don’t wear hats, sunglasses, sweatshirts –Remember – this booklet can be used in the future to show off your work! Groups of researchers should show up together for a group photo If this time does not work, alternative times can be set up – s regarding this will be sent out later (watch for them!)
POSTER Work with Mentor Introduction/Background Methods Results –Use Pictures/Graphs Discussion –Any error? Conclusion –Final implications; (ie. Does the data indicate alternative management strategy, does it indicate something unexpected)? Use as few words as possible!
ORAL PRESENTATION Work with Mentor Introduction/background Methods Results –Usually tabular Discussion –Any error? Conclusion –Final implications; (ie. Does data indicate alternative management strategy, indicate something unexpected)? Questions – expect difficult ones –Anticipate questions you may have or had before you knew anything on the topic Time Limit: 15 minutes presenting + 5 minutes for questions
WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE SYMPOSIUMING Check-in begins at 8:30 am in the West Lobby Double check presentation room number and time Posters: –Be by posters at designated time for judging 2 poster sessions: early morning & one later… Oral Presentations: –Be by room 10 min prior to presentation Attend peer presentations (cheer for peers!)
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY URSCA applications due February 20 th Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Fund (URSCA Fund) URSCA Fund Applications URSCA Travel Grants Check out the website for more information: tResearchFund.aspx tResearchFund.aspx
CONCLUSION Main points –WORK WITH MENTOR –Work ahead –Remember to invite family and friends ahead of time –Stay Positive-it will turn out great!