2 Detail ofCases for PSB Detail of Cases for PSB S#SubjectNo of Cases 1Routine Cases3 2Meritorious (if any) 2 3Court Cases (if any) 3
3 Routine Case # 1 Associate Professor Anatomy to Professor Anatomy (BS )
4 Associate to Prof Anatomy BS 20 SMC Swat S.NoDirectPromotionTransfer (i) % share of posts100% (ii) Allocation of posts 01 (iii) occupancyNIL (iv) Available vacancies 01 (v)Occurrence of vacancy Due to retirement of Dr. TMU Professor of Anatomy BS-20 with effect from
5 S. N0Requirement (vi)Recruitment Rules. By promotion from amongst the associate professor provided that where suitable candidate with prescribed qualification and experience is not available the post shall be filled by initial recruitment. (vii)Required length of service. 17 Years in BS-17 or 10 Years in BS-18 or 03-Years in BS-19 and 8 years teaching experience. (viii)Publication2 research papers before appointment Associate to Prof Anatomy BS 20 SMC Swat
6 S. N0Requirement (ix)Promotion: Regular/Acting Charge Regular Basis (x)Mandatory trainingN.A (xi)Minimum Threshold.70 Associate to Prof Anatomy BS 20 SMC Swat
7 Dr. XYZ Appt In BS -17 Appt in present Scale Probation length of service Training Inq/ NAB Case Experience 8 yrs Research paper 2 Nos Awaited. PERs RS 70 Remarks 16 Aug Sep 11 yesyes yesNANIL10 Yrs 6 mnt 2 UC-PSB 2014 No56 Eligible
8 Routine Case # 2 General Cadre Senior Medical Officer to Principal Medical Officer (BS 18-19)
S.NoDirectPromotionTransfer (i) % share of posts100% (ii) Allocation of posts459 (iii) occupancy281 (iv) Posts deleted due to MTI 97 (v) Available vacancies 81 (vi)Occurrence of vacancy Due to Promotion of 55 Doctors from the post of PMOs (BS-19) to CMOs (BS-20) while 26 posts vacated due to retirement of PMOs BS-19. GENERAL CADRE (BS 18 TO 19)
10 General Cadre BS-18 to BS-19 S. N0Requirement (vi)Recruitment Rules. By promotion on the basis of seniority cum fitness, from amongst the senior medical officer BS-18of General Cadre having a minimum of 12 years service in BS-17 and above, and have undergone in-service training in Type-A Hospitals/ teaching hospitals for three months. (vii)Required length of service. 12 Years in BS-17 and above as per service rules.
11 S. N0Requirement (viii) Promotion: Regular/Acting Charge Regular Basis (ix) Mandatory training Three Months in-service training in Type-A Hospitals/ Teaching Hospitals. (x) Minimum Threshold. 60 General Cadre BS-18 to BS-19
S.No Name Aptt In BS-17 Appt in present scale length of service Req. Score (60) Awaited PERs Disciplinary Proceedings /NAB Mandatory Training Research Papers Present PostingRemarks 1 Dr. LMN yes The doctor concern is under deciplinar y proceedin gs NoNAWaitin g for Posting Not Eligible 2 Dr. WSE yes NilNoNASMO RHC Nizam Pur Nowsh era Eligible 12 PANEL OF OFFICERS FOR CONSIDERATION
14 S.NoDirectPromotionTransfer (i) % share of posts100% (ii) Allocation of posts05 (iii) occupancy04 (iv) Available vacancies 01 (v) Occurrence of vacancy At present one post of teaching cadre is lying vacant while 04 posts are occupied by Prof. Dr. Arshad Javed, Prof. Dr. Noor ul Iman, Prof. Dr. Mehmood Aurangzeb and Prof. Dr. Mukhtiar Zaman. Teaching Cadre, Meritorious Service BS
15 S#Requirement viRecruitment Rules.As per criteria for grant of BS-21 on account of Meritorious service provided under promotion policy 2009 vii Required length of service. Minimum 3 years active service in BS-20 viii Promotion: Regular/Acting Charge Promotion on Regular Basis ixMandatory training N.A xMinimum Threshold.75 Teaching Cadre, Meritorious Service BS
16 Appt In BS -17 Appt in present Scale Probation length of service Training Inq/ NAB Case Experience 3 Yrs Research paper Awaited. PERs S. Committee Marks PER Score 75 RS Dec 91 5 Jan 10 YesYes YesNANO5 Year s In BS- 20 NANO Dr. BCD Prof. Physiology
Court Cases S#S# SubjectPanelPosts 1Performa promotion of Dr. ABC to the post of member of service in management cadre BS-20 in pursuance of PHC Judgment dated Promotion of member of health management cadre doctors from BS with retrospective effect in pursuance of court Judgment. (Follow same detail patron as S# 1, slids no 23,24) 3Promotion of Dr. SSS Ex-PMO to the post of Chief Medical Officer BS-20 in pursuance of PHC Judgment dated (Follow same detail patron as S# 1, slids no 23,24)
PANEL OF OFFICERS FOR CONSIDERATION Dr. ABC Court Case-1 PSB in its meeting held on superseded him due to below efficiency index He filed a writ petition in the Peshawar High Court The Board did not recommend him in its meeting held on due to running of his private clinic
Dr. ABC Court Case-1 The Officer retired on The Court directed on to reconsider his case for proforma promotion The case was not fit for CPLA Relevant Rules: Promotion Policy 2009 is silent about Proforma Promotion. However the Board may recommend the retired officer for proforma promotion on the directions of the Court PANEL OF OFFICERS FOR CONSIDERATION
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