The Kultur Project
Partners University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art University of the Arts London University for the Creative Arts Visual Arts Data Service 09/07/09RSP presentation
Goal Policy Framework Technical Framework Open Content Open Access Open Source
Issues Multidisciplinary Visual Appearance Theory based research Practice based research Formats Output types IPR & copyright Teaching & Learning 03 August 2006Presentation title
Environmental Assessment Discover what areas of research was conducted Find out what was available already digitally or online Examine the administrative framework within which research was conducted 03 August 2006Presentation title
Conclusions Huge variety of research Institutions own websites had very little on them Collegiate but research centres/groups cut across them Large amount of part time staff 03 August 2006Presentation title
Demonstrator 03 August 2006Presentation title
Survey and Interviews Online and paper All staff Institution website Library Personal Cold calling 199 responses Mainly researchers but also technicians, admin and a curator Interviewed August 2006Presentation title
Discoveries Range of media Both theory and practice Exhibitions main mode for dissemination Medium to high copyright awareness Raise research profile Preservation interest quite low Home storage Sizeable amount already online (if in digital format) Copyright infringement worries Concern over ‘visual’ aspect of site Peer esteem critical 03 August 2006Presentation title
Advantages/Benefits Individual works more visible to a wider audience Increased potential for more work or exhibition opportunities Raising research profile Networking and collaboration Raising profile of research centres/groups Alternative to personal website Storage facility Collaborative space rather than just archival 03 August 2006Presentation title
Responses “when I travel I won’t have to take a portfolio or photos with me to show my work to others” “..ability to store archived versions of digital work at full resolution whilst protecting access and downloadabililty of these” ““Greatly enhanced visibility and extended life for past projects (an archive which helps to generate new projects)” 03 August 2006Presentation title
Less advantageous Tracking own research development Helping to reuse research for teaching purposes Preserving work Lack of control over presentation Moving control from individual to institution Potential loss of revenue 03 August 2006Presentation title
Quotes “I wish to control when it is seen, by whom, and under what conditions” “… I am sometimes uncomfortable about the fact that the resultant work may only be heard on lower-resolution PC speakers and about the fact that to listen to/engage with work on a PC that is also used for a whole host of other activities may rob that work of a certain specialness” “poor quality of online video “ “concerns about quality of interface for ease of data uploading and input” 03 August 2006Presentation title
Feedback on demonstrator Text/image balance Clean look Homepage should show examples from each discipline Selected highlights Browse by research centre/clusters/groups/projects Tagging More information about the artist – artist statement User managed Different levels of access Low resolution, high resolution copies Depositing – quick, easy, ftp Clear guidelines on files and sizes Training and support 03 August 2006Presentation title
More issues Size and scale of documentation Sharing collaborative works Technical skills needed to record/document work Adequate reproduction of work Context Research outside formal research centres Translating traditional university criteria and evaluation into a practice based environment 03 August 2006Presentation title
Metadata Flexible for all disciplines Modified Dublin Core Multiple creators/contributors Item level metadata Exhibition information Medium/Material/Duration Minimum compulsory fields 03 August 2006Presentation title
Added Features Exploding zip – multiple files Streamed video – converted to flash Restricted access – request button Archive websites Export to video to other sites Display pdf’s as images 03 August 2006Presentation title
IPR & copyright Daunting VADS to the rescue Set of guide sheets Staff awareness Varying staff contracts Licenses – creative commons 03 August 2006Presentation title
Constant Advocacy Tailored to different groups Management levels Research Centres Research offices One to one Informal meets ‘Events’ Private views 03 August 2006Presentation title
Where we are now Launching for new academic year Importing RAE data Signing off of institutional policies Producing information and guides Part of KeepIT project – digital preservation of IRs Looking ahead to REF Possible collaborations with other arts institutions – more joined up IRs 03 August 2006Presentation title
Contact Andrew Gray UAL Repository Online Accessible til Friday 03 August 2006Presentation title