CTA-Freedom Welcome to the Meet the Teacher/Curriculum Night
Your Teachers Mrs. Hight- Reading & AR Mrs. Liu – Science & Social Studies Mrs. Mendoza – Writing & Grammar Miss West- Math
Our Curriculum Spalding Phonics Program Journeys Easy Grammar Holt Social Studies & Science Glencoe Math Saxon Math
SPALDING Phonics-based program Written phonogram tests Morrison-McCall Spelling Lists Weekly Spelling Tests 30 words
WRITING Daily Grams Easy Grammar/Journeys 6 +1 Writing Traits At least one large writing assignment per quarter Online Blogging Newsletter Writing All students will need a USB (PTO)
READING Journeys Textbook Literature Studies Genre Projects McCall-Crabbs AR
MATHEMATICS Glencoe Math program– Course 2 in class Saxon Math Homework nightly as listed in agenda (15 problems)- check Wednesdays and Fridays Students are required to take daily notes on concepts learned or reviewed Math Facts!
SOCIAL STUDIES Holt Textbook Ancient Civilizations Social Studies Notebook Large projects
SCIENCE In class lab work and projects Science Fair Projects 2 nd /3 rd quarters Science Notebook Science Camp
Grading Scale : A 80-89: B 70-79:C 60-69:D Below 59: F Effort Grades in Special Areas **All grades, progress reports, and report cards will be on Infinite Campus. No paper copies**
Homework Bring home assignments Monday-Thursday. –Students are expected to complete the work and bring in finished work on the due date. If it is not complete when class begins, it’s late. –Problems: If your child is having difficulty, please let us know so that we can help resolve homework issues.
Communication Agenda –Please look over student’s work. –Sixth Grade Sizzler is ed & uploaded onto our class websites every Friday. - REGISTER to receive our school newsletter. You will not receive a hard copy this year. - Check our individual websites for more information on assignments or projects. Best way to contact us is with a BRIEF .
Field Trips Renaissance Festival- March Science Camp May * Amazing Jake’s- May (end of the year celebration) Approximately $200 in tax credit needed per student **More information on online tax credit donations is coming soon!**
Science Camp Info May 16 th - 18 th Located at Prescott Pines Camp just outside of Prescott. We will depart at approximately 8:30am on Monday, May 16th, We return to school at approximately 3pm on Wed., May 18 th The $150 per student covers: –Transportation- Charter Buses –Lodging –Food –Activities for the 3 days and 2 nights at Prescott Pines. –Memories to last a lifetime!
Science Camp Chaperones In order to be a chaperone you must: –Be fingerprinted & background checked –Be a parent of a 6 th grader –Pay $100 fee Chaperones sleep in the cabins with the campers. –Moms of daughters, dads of sons. Chaperones will be notified at Spring Conferences
Behavior Plan Raffle Tickets Communication Quarterly and End of the Year Incentives
Leader in Me/7 Habits of Happy Kids Be Proactive- I’m in charge of me Begin with the End in Mind- Have a plan Put First Things First- Work first, play second Think Win-Win- I win, you win, we win Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood- Listen before you talk Synergize- Together is better Sharpen the Saw- Balance feels best
Other Information Independent Thinkers Wearing Make-up/Colored Hair Boys’ hair Uniform enforcement Pick up handouts Sign up for Volunteering Wish List on back of Welcome Letter
Contact Information Mrs. Hight- Mrs. Liu- Mrs. Mendoza- Miss West-