Ben Rider I am a ondon based illustrator and Printmaker. I specialise in making vibrant, edgy, work with a punky look and feel. My Work is built up from a dense hybrid of drawings, collaged imagery and multi – layered colours. I am a big fan the offsets, drips and fades to create an authentic distressed aesthetic. Previous Clients include the Victoria & Albert museum, University of the Arts London, Samsung and O2 Ireland
Dan Mather
French Fourch
Jim O’Raw (uses some nudes so be warned)
Mr Bingo – (warning does use some swear words in his artwork)
Mary Colette: lino print
Christine McCarthy is best known for her hand- coloured lino prints of flora and landscapes. She has been working as an artist for over 20 years. Christine gained a Diploma in Fine Art Painting from the South Australian School of Art in It was while studying Printmaking at the SA School of Art with Barbara Hanrahan, that her interest in printmaking began. The pattern of nature, particularly the line and texture of plant forms have provided the theme for much of Christine’s work
Rachel Newling
Penny Bhadresa