GALLATIN COUNTY MIDDLE SCHOOL ADVANCED ED. REPORT Team Leader: Karen Maxell 3.4 Team Captain: Buddie Brockman 3.5 Team Captain: Steve Zimmer 3.6 Team Captain: Josh Bystry
3..4 School Leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of teachers to ensure student success. Team Score: 2.2 Evidence Found Program Review for writing and arts & humanities Pacing Guides PLC Notes PGES Observations and reflections Lesson Plans Tell Survey Results
RATIONALE AND NEXT STEP FOR 3.4 Rationale of score 2.2 School leaders are monitoring teachers formally through PGES and template walkthroughs. Our school leaders also monitor that we have current on target pacing guides and lesson plans posted in CIITS. According to the possible evidence, “Recognition of teachers with regard to these practices” is mentioned. We could not find any evidence of this occurring yet in our school. Next Step: Continue to Implement PGES throughout the school and work on whole school recognition for teachers and students in regards to student success.
3.5 TEACHERS PARTICIPATE IN COLLABORATIVE LEARNING COMMUNITIES TO IMPROVE INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT LEARNING. TEAM SCORE 3 EVIDENCE FOUND PLC/Team Meeting Minutes RTI Weekly Results Mastery Quizzes Maps and Odyssey Reports Learning Check Results School Wide Cross Curricular Writing Plan LDC/MDC Modules
RATIONALE AND NEXT STEP FOR 3.5 Rationale of score 3.0 We scored ourselves a 3 because all members of our staff do participate in collaborative learning communities weekly. Each department does also use a formal process in their PLC’S to promote productive discussion about student learning. However, we believe we are not a 4 in this area because the examination of student work, reflection, and peer coaching are not a part of the daily routine of all school staff members. Also our collaboration is not clearly aligned to student performance results in all subject areas. Next Step: Work by department to create a practical way to link collaboration to improving instructional practice.
3.6 TEACHERS IMPLEMENT THE SCHOOL’S INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS IN SUPPORT OF STUDENT LEARNING. TEAM SCORE 3.0 Evidence Found Staff conducted survey on instructional process Multiple examples of teachers’ use of exemplars RTI procedures for specific and timely feedback Examples of teachers use of success criteria
Rationale of score 3.0 We scored ourselves a 3 because we have a variety of evidence that showed our teachers use an instructional process that informs students of learning expectations and standards of performance. Next Step: Teachers are working toward developing an intentional procedure for monitoring student progress and learning in all subject areas. RATIONALE AND NEXT STEP FOR 3.6
OVERALL NEXT STEPS Next step priority is: Teachers are working toward developing an intentional procedure for monitoring student progress and learning in all subject areas. We plan to work by department to create a practical way to link collaboration to improving instructional practice and continue to Implement PGES throughout the school and work on whole school recognition for teachers and students in regards to student success.