Competitive Integrity Organized Passion People skills Planning Sales ability Self-Discipline Leadership Work ethic Belief Empathy Fairness Hard work Humility Listening Passion Persistence Planning Vision Communicate Confidence Courage Faith Humility Passion Persistence Punctuality Take action Vision Adaptability Confidence Courage Dedication Determination Faith Integrity Motivation Persistence Vision Charisma Confidence Hands-on Humility Initiative Integrity Patience Perseverance Self-Motivated Take risks Competitive Confidence Creative Determination Disciplined Open minded Passion People skills Self starter Work Ethic Aren't perfect Ask for help Courage Belief Keep learning Network Persistence Want More Think big Written Goals Commitment Creativity Honesty Independence Organized Persistence Take Risks Tolerate failure Vision Written goals
AdaptabilityBeliefCompetitiveDedicationEmpathyFairnessHard workIntegrityKeep learning Aren't perfectBeliefCommunicateDetermination FaithHumilityIndependence Ask for help ConfidenceDetermination FaithHumilityInitiative CourageDisciplined Hands-onIntegrity Confidence HumilityIntegrity Courage Honesty Confidence Creative Competitive Courage Creativity Commitment Charisma ListeningMotivationNetworkOpen mindedPassionSelf-MotivatedTake risksVisionWant More Leadership OrganizedPassionSelf starterThink bigVisionWork Ethic OrganizedPassionSales abilityTake RisksVisionWritten Goals PassionSelf-DisciplineTolerate failureVisionWritten goals Patience Take action Work ethic People skills Perseverance Persistence Planning Punctuality
Confidence Courage Creative Competitive Commitment Charisma Communicate Passion Patience People skills Perseverance Persistence Planning Punctuality
“Entrepreneurs innovate not just by figuring out how to use inventions, but also by introducing new means of production, new products, and new forms of organization” “Innovation by the entrepreneur, leads to gales of “creative destruction” as innovations cause old inventories, ideas, technologies, skills, and equipment to become obsolete”
If you change the way you look at things, then the things you look at will change
I: Results Stress Burn-out Crisis management Putting out fires II: Results Vision Perspective Balance Discipline Control Few if any crises III: Results Short term focus Crisis Management Reputation – Chameleon See goals as worthless Feel victimized Out of Control Shallow relationships IV: Results Total irresponsibility Fired from jobs Dependence on others Lack of happiness Lack of direction