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Nuclear weapons were such a scary thing that it changed the way military strategy was planned from Hiroshima to today. No nuclear weapons were used in Korea, but during the war both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. increased their stockpiles and testing more weapons.
The hydrogen bomb was the new weapon that used fusion to create more power, but many people felt it was too powerful. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. developed the weapon, and increased the tension between the countries.
Both sides had relatively the same technology, so they increased the numbers of weapons and new ways of delivering the weapons. Eisenhower changed the focus of the military from a large standing army with conventional weapons to focus on nuclear weapons.
The hydrogen bomb was huge, and weighed over 1 million pounds at first. Scientists were able to get to a manageable size. At first, the U.S. focused on bombers to deliver nuclear warheads. Bombers were constantly in the air, and the bombers on the ground could take off with 15 minutes notice.
Soon the U.S. started working on missiles to deliver nuclear weapons, and eventually will develop ICBMs, that could hit any target anywhere in the world. The first nuclear powered submarine, the Nautilus, was launched by the U.S. It could stay underwater for months, and travel at high speeds.
Later, the U.S. began to arm the subs with nuclear weapons, that gave the U.S. the ability to strike anywhere with little warning. The Soviets were lagging a little behind the U.S. in the arms race, but they were the first to put a satellite in orbit, Sputnik. Then they sent a dog into space a month later.
This set off a competition for superiority in space. The U.S. was freaked out, and felt like they were behind, so they emphasized math and science in public education. NASA was also established in 1958 to focus the nation on space programs.
The reality of war was fresh in the minds of Americans. The fact that Pearl Harbor was attacked made people realize that the oceans weren’t enough protection. Nuclear weapons could destroy entire cities, and the radioactivity could continue to destroy the population long after the bombs.
Americans built up their civil defense preparations in the event of an attack. Air raid sirens were put up in communities, instructional films about surviving nuclear attacks were made, and printed materials were distributed.
Bomb shelters were built in many backyards in anticipation of attacks, and the fear of nuclear fallout made many people question all of the nuclear testing. Eisenhower also warned the population about the military industrial complex. Because the economy and government were so focused on military spending, there would not be a way to separate the military from the economy.
Do you think backyard bomb shelters would be effective in the case of a nuclear attack? Why or why not?