ELA 9 ELA 9 Unit Two: Novel Comparisons & Evaluating Texts Launch Activity - Intro
Warm Up PART ONE: Write down all of the synonyms you can think of for the word ‘bias’. (Look it up if you have to.)
Warm Up PART TWO: Now flip your paper over and write down all of the synonyms you can think of for the word ‘evil’.
Now circle all of the words that are the same. Compare those circled words. Are there any common themes or ideas?
Agenda Unit Launch: The Novel “The Sneetches” Film & Reaction
Unit Launch 779df55793d/Dr-Seuss-The-Sneetches- Full-Version on/yt/watch?v=v3yJomUhs0g
Unit Launch - Response Write a quick response on your ‘Write Right Now’ sheet: 1.Tell me what the movie made you think about. 2.What does this film have to do with bias or evil? 3.Who are the Star-Bellies at SHS? Write for 5 minutes, then think-pair-share. CREATE – what are our common themes?
Unit Themes
Ticket Out the Door: Student Learning Map & Standards HOLD ON TO THESE! Glue them in your composition book, we will be using them for the next two months!