Define fable or parable.
Define Allegory Definition: An allegory is a story in which events, objects, or characters have a hidden or symbolic meaning. Thus an allegory is a story with two meanings: a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. These stories are often written to teach a lesson.
The Ant and the Grasshopper In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest. "Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?" "I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same." "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "We have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the storage they had collected in the summer.
The ant represents virtue The Grasshopper represents human vices What is the lesson learned from this fable?
As you watch Dr. Seuss’s “The Sneetches,” think about the deeper meaning of the story. hs0g hs0g
The Sneetches provided an insight into Seuss' own personal beliefs. The Sneetches begins by stating the background of the area the story took place in: it was a blatantly racist territory with two classes of Sneetches. One class had stars on their bellies and the other did not. Therefore, the "star-bellied Sneetches" believed in their superiority merely because of their added stars.
Who do the different Sneetches represent? The Sneetches is an allegory of...
Read the “The Masque of the Red Death” on your own. As you read, define challenging vocabulary and write notes on the meaning of each paragraph.