The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Service Delivery (Prevention & Protection) CFO Frank Sheehan West Midlands
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Strategic Aims : CFOA aims to deliver the key policies as set out in its Business Plan in respect of Protection/ Prevention. In doing this it exercises INFLUENCE, PROVIDES INFORMATION, ENHANCES and DEVELOPS A PROFESSIONAL APPROACH to fire safety. 2 Continue to work with national and local government and other stakeholders to build safer, more sustainable communities Collaborate in local, regional and national initiatives designed to bring about safer, fairer and stronger communities Work within the National Framework for the Fire & Rescue Service
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Educate the public and commercial organizations on how to avoid fires and other accidents, such as road traffic collisions Support the work of CFOA in relation to new legislation or regulations and where necessary monitor and develop safer strategies Influence future standards and guidelines by securing representation on the appropriate committees and working groups Campaign for more effective and efficient fire suppression systems in key buildings 3
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Develop its partnership working to secure greater safety for the people of the community, particularly those in socially deprived areas Co-ordinate and provide support to Fire & Rescue Services in relation to community safety initiative Broadening the use of third party accreditation Ensure effective communications with key stakeholders 4
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Key Action points: Establish a strong secretariat to support a structure for the Workstream and co-ordination of the work of the Policy Team Leaders Review the Workstreams, its structures and the work of the Policy Team Leaders Complete policy trawl, gap analysis and then develop, update as necessary 5
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Where are we now? RR(FS)O & Fire (Scotland) Act fully embedded within legislative framework* 9 of the 11 Fire Safety Order guidance books have been produced* RR(FS)O Enforcement Guide draft agreement is currently with DCLG – waiting for approval Fire Safety Order roadshow seminars a success Building Regulations & Approved Doc ‘B’ – final draft complete – due out April 2007* Support for Sprinklers/ Automatic Water Suppression Systems (AWSS) in new App Doc ‘B’* BB100 supports AWSS in schools design – due out in April
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Planning Approval – duty of Local Authority to consult with F&RS and for Fire Services to comment on appropriate issues Draft protocol on HMO’s between Landlords Association and F&RS on CFOA website - F&RS to respond by end of February 2007 Crown Premises – Proposed transition of Crown Premise Inspection Group property to local authority F&RS Fireworks – urgent need to fundamentally review whole process of firework control from import to sale Youth Offending Teams – promote Partnerships between F&RS and Youth Offending Teams (YOT’s). 7
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Emerging Issues SIPS (Structural Insulated Panel Systems) – relatively new development, essentially a sandwich, the filling consisting of a core rigid urethane insulation between 2 sheets of OSB3 (oriented strand board) - DCLG and BRE undertaking 3 year research project into fires, fire safety design etc of multi storey and enclosed car parks Remotely Monitored False Alarm System – revised policy to be introduced. 8
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Service Delivery Prevention & Protection - Policy Lead Officers have been allocated different references. They in turn have nominated officers to manage Workstream references Prevention & Protection Fire policy trawl completed from CFOA website – gap analysis to be completed CFOA Portfolio – good progress, approx 60%-70% complete. Information being submitted onto CFOA template. 9
The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Thank you