ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Strand 3 - Global change and Environmental treaties Nicola Pirrone ERA-PLANET Coordinator Director CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research Rome, Italy Jana Klánová Director RECETOX Masaryk University Czech Republic
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Overarching objective To develop a fully integrated observational system based on advanced sensors and GCI for monitoring major persistent pollutants in the global environment to support policy implementation and verification. New paradigm for real-time monitoring of persistent pollutants
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Specific objectives Identify and address the critical gaps in existing observational networks for major persistent pollutants Promote and coordinate the development of activities within the in-situ observation infrastructures Develop a strategy on a global scale for QA/QC and develop SOPs Improve existing and newly developed sensor technologies and devices to gather observation and promote their integration with users’ needs and made available through the GCI Foster model validation on regional and global scales to support policy implementation and verification
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 The policy context Category#Convention on (example) General2Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, Espoo, 1991 Atmosphere6LRTAP, Geneva, 1979 Freshwater resources1ECE Water Convention, Helsinki, 1992 Hazardous substances11Persistent Organic Pollutants Stockholm, 2001 Mercury, Minamata 2013 Marine environment – global conventions 10Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, London, 1972 Marine environment – regional conventions 13Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Region of the Mediterranean Sea, Barcelona, Marine living resources7Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, Bonn, 1997 Nature conservation10Convention to Combat Desertification, Paris, 1994 Noise pollution1Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Relationship with on-going international activities UNEP Mercury Programme and Minamata Convention for Hg Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) of the Stockholm Convention on POPs Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants (TF HTAP) of the UNECE-LRTAP convention GEO WP ( ) ( e.g., former HE-02 “Tracking Pollutants”, IN- 02 “GEOSS Common Infrastructure”; ID-02 “Developing Institutional and Individual Capacity”, EN-01 “Energy and Geo resources assessment”… ) ESFRI/I3 Research Infrastructures ( e.g. ACTRIS- Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network, LTER, ANAEE, SIOS ) National polar research programmes (e.g., IT, SE, DE)
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Focus on Global observing systems for toxic and persistent pollutants Harmonization of monitoring systems Coupled atmosphere-ocean- terrestrial models validation Evaluation of ecosystem response to regional/global emission changes Support to policy implementation GMOS
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 GMOS: ground-based monitoring network GMOS: ground-based monitoring network GMOS: ground-based monitoring network
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Stockholm Convention Signed in 2001 Twenty-three chemical compounds for which the countries must take measures to eliminate or restrict the production and use or reduce the unintentional releases. 1.Aldrin 2.Chlordane 3.Chlordecone 4.Dieldrin 5.Endrin 6.Heptachlor 7.Hexabromobiphenyl 8.Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether 9.Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 10.Alpha hexachlorocyclohexane 11.Beta hexachlorocyclohexane 12.Lindane 13.Mirex 14.Pentachlorobenzene 15.Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 16.Endosulfan 17.Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether 18.Toxaphen 19.DDT 20.PFOS 21.Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins 22.Polychlorinated dibenzofurans 23.Hexabromocyclododecane 24.Hexachlorobutadiene 25.Pentachlorophenol, its salts and esters 26.Polychlorinated naphthalenes
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Global monitoring plan for POPs Mandate: Article 16 of the Stockholm Convention and decisions SC-3/19, SC 4/31 and SC-5/18 adopted by the COP to the SC Objectives – Tracking of POPs concentrations in the environment and human beings in time – Effectiveness evaluation of international efforts to reduce releases of the POPs listed in the Stockholm Convention into the environment Harmonization, methodology: – Guidance on the Global Monitoring Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 GMP Data Warehouse
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Data visualization – GMP 2 (2014)
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Data visualization – GMP 2 (2014)
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Data visualization – GMP 2 (2014)
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Data visualization – GMP 2 (2014)
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Horizontal activities To develop added-value tools that will enhance the use of data in future services through the GCI. To address the needs expressed by the GEO-Tasks: HE-02: Tracking Pollutants; Task IN-01: Earth Observing System, IN-03: GEOSS Common Infrastructure, IN-04: GEOSS Communication Networks, ID-01: Advancing GEOSS Data Sharing Principles To support the implementation of an integrated observing system and to develop a global strategic plan, in line with guidelines set by WMO-Scientific Advisory Groups Coordinate training activities worldwide through summer schools and workshops Develop and coordinate observation data management approaches from their pre-processing to modelling and visualization in order to identify and implement future recommendations for best practices to reduce the pool of persistent chemical pollutants in the environment.
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Support to GEO and Copernicus Development of key integration tools by data assimilation of all available observations into a high quality analysis and forecasting chemical atmospheric model system Improvement of coordination of the global modelling community with the Mercury and POPs measurement community would lead to major advances in the global models and policy applications; Coordination of the effort in developing an interoperable framework to build upon the two existing global monitoring systems for Hg and POPs, GMOS ( and the GMP ( that are both part of the GEO-Task HE-02 “Tracking Pollutants” for GEOSS. Implementation of atmospheric services will be the challenge for the next 10 years
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Policy: provide quantitative information on pollutants in the environment to be used for policy decisions and support the implementation of Minamanta and Stockholm Conventions, among others (i.e., Basel, UNECE-LRTAP); Human health: increase awareness of impact of pollutants on human health; Technology: develop SDI and web services for Hg and POPs in the environment based on the brokering approach and contribute to GCI; Research: supporting knowledge discovery by implementing holistic databases. Expected Impact
ERA-PLANET KoM, Brussels February 2016 Thanks