Assessing lexical awareness: EFL learners and English word- formation Katja Mäntylä and Ari Huhta
CEFLING Linguistic Basis of the Common European Framework for L2 English and L2 Finnish Project funded by the Academy of Finland Based at the University of Jyväskylä; part of the European SLATE network (Second Language Acquisition and Testing in Europe) Homepage:
Questions How to test word formation skills? How do the three methods used in the study function? What is the relationship between the word-formation skills and overall written proficiency of Finnish school pupils ? (What kind of knowledge do they have on English word- formation?) (How do their word-formation skills develop?) (Is there any difference between Finnish and Swedish speaking participants?)
Word-formation and SLA Word-formation and SLA in general Role in teaching English in a Finnish school? Derivation chosen because Productivity of the method The participants familiar with it at least implicitly
Participants 7th graders –year-olds, have studied English as a FL for at least 4 years 162 completed the word formation tests, 87 of whom also completed several writing tasks (next step: 8th and 9th graders) Different parts of Finland
Word-formation test 1 Three written word-formation tests (revised after piloting) 1. Sentences / sentence pairs in English with a Finnish translation of the target word (productive gap-filling): I am ________ (varma) that he will get the job in London. He will _________ (varmasti) get the job in London. sure - surely
Word-formation test 2 (pre-pilot version) 2. Sentences with non-words with explanations in Finnish (gap-filling) Some of the non-words taken from the DIALANG placement test (English) designed by Paul Meara Example in Finnish (with Finnish non-words) She could bourble animals very well because she was a good _________. (henkilö, joka tekee lihavoidun sanan kuvaamaa toimintaa/työtä) (a person who does the action described by the bolded word)
Word-formation test 2 (final version) 2. Sentences with non-words with explanations in Finnish (gap-filling): Example in Finnish (with Finnish real words) She could bourble animals very well because she was a good ____ bourble____. (henkilö, joka tekee lihavoidun sanan kuvaamaa toimintaa/työtä) (a person who does the action described by the bolded word)
Word-formation test 3 3. A list of prefixes from which the participants were to choose suitable ones to fill in the gaps in sentences He did not follow the instructions. He had ___ understood them. anti- de- dis- in- im- il- ir- inter- intra- mega- mini- mis- mono- neo- non- poly- post- pre- pro- re- trans- un-
Writing tasks to a friend to one’s teacher to a store Opinion piece Narrative piece Each student wrote 3-4 texts Each text was assessed by four raters the rating scale was a combination of several writing scales from the CEFR that best suited the writing tasks
Marking word-formation tests Double marking Scoring: Productive gap-fill test : Non-words based test and List-choice based test : The respondents were very creative: minigabl Spelling errors more or less ignored in scoring: unbelievubl,unbelievevabl, unbelievobl; understant, anderstand (cf. shore sure, deffreno different)
Analysis of the word formation tests TiaPlus programme (CITO, the Netherlands) – for classical item analyses – for norm-referenced tests
Characteristics of the 3 tests ItemsMean score (percent) Standard Deviat- ion Std. Error of Mean Cron- bach’s Alpha Alpha for 40-item test Average item /total correlation Productive gap-fill test 1970% Non-words based test 831.5% (27%) 23.6 (24.4) 2.0 (1.9).70 (.74).92 (.93).58 (.61) List-choice based test 1236% All 3 tests together 3951%.90.91(.47)
Test 1 (Productive gap-fill test)
Test 2 (Non-words based test)
Test 3 (List-choice based test)
Non-words based test (22 non-respondents removed) ITEMMEAN SCORE (PERCENT) ST. DEVIATION (on 0-2 scale) ITEM / TOTAL CORRELATION (Hennyson’s correction) ITEM / REST CORRELATION
Examples / non-words based test (item 1) Score groups: 1 = lowest scoring group in non- words test 4 = highest scoring group Rit = item-total correlation P = mean score (%) She could bourble animals very well because she was a good ______bourble________. (= a person who does the action described by the bolded word [in Finnish]) Item B1 Rit = 0.34 P = 0.75 Percent correct Score Groups
Examples / non-words based test (item 6) 6. Before we can finally honch this car you need to ________honch__________ it. (= do first / in advance of the action described in the bolded word [in Finnish]) Item B6 Rit = 0.63 P = 0.10 Percent correct Score Groups
Examples / non-words based test (item 8) 8. I did not monadate the story that your friend told me yesterday but what you tell me now is much more _________monadate____________. (= has / cointains the thing described in the bolded word [in Finnish])) Item B8 Rit = 0.10 P = 0.19 Percent correct Score Groups
Correlation between the word formation tests and the rating of writing skill WRITING SKILL (on CEFR scale) (Mean rating across 4 raters and all tasks completed by the student) Productive gap-fill test.691 Non-words based test.575 (n=75) List-based test.675 n = 87 p =.000
Correlation between word-formation tests and the rating of writing skill (2) WRITING SKILL (on CEFR scale) Mean rating across 4 raters and all tasks completed by student Productive gap-fill test items tapping the base form of word (9).578 (.589, if item A17 removed) - items tapping the inflected form of word (10).713 Non-words based test.575 (n = 76) List-based test.675 n = 87 p =.000
Mean word-formation test scores (%) across CEFR levels (based on writing) A1 (n= 27) A2 (n= 42) B1 (n= 15) B2 (n= 2) Productive gap-fill test items tapping the base form of word (9) items tapping the inflected form of word (10) Non-words based test List-based test
Correlations between word-formation tests N = 140 / 162A (total) Productive gap-fill test A1. items tapping the base form A2. items tapping the inflected form B. Non- words based test C. List- based test A. Productive gap-fill test 1.00 (.902)(.966) A1. Items tapping the base form A2. Items tapping the inflected form B. Non-words based test C. List-based test 1.00
Structure of the non-words based test Initial factor analyses suggest that Item 8 differs most from all the other (non-words or other items used) If Item 8 is deleted, there appears to be 2 factors underlying the word- formation test: 1)Items 3 & 7, plus item 1 2)Item 6, plus items 5 & 4 to some extent - Item 2 is evenly split between the two factors Item 1 differs from the other non-word items and is closely related to several productive gap-fill items Item 4 may also differ from the other non-word items Some non-word items (2, 3, 6, 7) quite strongly related to List-based items (items 8, 11, 12)
Comparison of the three word-formation test methods ProsCons Productive gap-fill testvery familiar test typememorising words? marking difficult (if very fine-tuned) the relationship between items Non-words based testfocus only on word- formation relative difficulty unfamiliar test type List-based testquick and easy to take and mark focus on word-formation (relatively) memorising words? unfamiliar test type? difficult to write easy items?
Overall conclusions about the word- formation tests Productive gap-fill: possibly useful for testing word-formation but more work needed to develop / select suitable items Non-words test: promising (e.g. as reliable as the others; construct relevant) but there is a ’threshold’ to overcome for the test-taker, i.e. to understand what it is about List-based gap-fill: promising (fairly construct relevant), but the difficulty of the words need to suit students’ level better Which level of affixes/words? Relationship with the word frequency?