Hybrid Boards for PXD6 5th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications Sept Oct Christian Koffmane 1,2 1 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München 2 TU Berlin, Faculty IV of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Chair of Sensor and Actuator Systems
Agenda Hybrid Board H3.1 for PXD6 and S3B System First Hybrid Board 4.0 with PXD-5, DCD-B and Switcher S Status of the Hybrid Board 4.1 – for DCD-B and Switcher B Current Hybrid Boards in the Layout Phase 2 5th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin
3 PXD6 – ILC Type with Hybrid S3B system (CURO + SW3) PXD6 ILC Design can be used with Hybrid 3.1 (electrical identical with H3.0 only cut-out smaller cut-out needed). PXD6 Wafer: 3 x ILC type (24 x 24 µm² - type used as DUT in TB2009) 3 x ILC type VS (20 x 20 µm² - type as the best DUT TB2009)
PXD6/PXD5 Hybrid Board H th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin DCD-B/DCDRO read out 2 x Switcher S to address works with PXD5 matrix (64 rows) due to error in the PCB layout only one channel (with 64 out puts can be addressed) PXD6 matrix cannot be addressed DEPFET Matrix directly bonded to ASICs/wire bond adapters
Hybrid Board H th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin
Hybrid Board H4.0 and Virtex-4 FPGA Board 6 5th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin
Hybrid Board H4.0 First board available since begin of September in Mannheim Second board is available in Bonn (but not yet completely assembled) Third board is in assembly in Munich at the moment First Learning: -DCD-B very sensitive to over current at the ADC inputs – Diode protection circuit for VDDA net needed! -Power-up sequence has to be observed! -DCD-B and DCDRO can be read-out, Switcher S is controlled by FPGA and PXD5 matrix is sensitive to light … more in Jochen Knopf’s talk! 7 5th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin
PXD6/PXD5 Hybrid Board H th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin 2 x SwitcherB to address either a full PXD6 matrix or a part of a PXD5 matrix DCD-B/DCDRO read out DEPFET Matrix directly bonded to ASICs/wire bond adapters (no modular design)
Hybrid Board H th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin Footprint for SwitcherB Wirebond Adapter Footprint for DCD- B/DCDRO Wirebond Adapter Footprint for 128x16 PXD6 Matrix and short and long PXD5 Matrix - First hybrid with passive components - Further hybrid are assembled at the moment
Hybrid Board H4.1 Hybrid Board H4.1 was ordered after the first tests of the hybrid H4.0 – additional diodes for protection of VDDA are already included 10 PCBs are available since last week – components are already assembled on one hybrid (others are in preparation) Adapters for DCD-B/DCDRO and SwitcherB are prepared at the moment at the University of Bonn 10 5th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin
Hybrid for Bump-bonded – and Mini Matrices Hybrid Board H4.2 for PXD6 matrices (128x16) and bump bonded DCD- B/DCDRO and SwitcherB devices: - Schematic is finished - Layout will be finished in CW40 Adapters for the PXD6 for the use with the Prague Mima-Setup: - Four different design versions per mini matrices and three different matrix types on PXD6 - Adapter for the 128x16 matrices (only 6 gate and clear switcher, 8 drain lines) 11 5th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin
Summary -Hybrid H4.0: PXD5 - DCD-B/DCDRO - SwitcherS first are available -Hybrid H4.1: PXD6/PXD5 – DCD-B/DCDRO – SwitcherB: -PCBs are in assembly -Hybrid H4.2: PXD6 bump-bonded – DCD-B/DCDRO – SwitcherB -Layout in to be finished (CW40) -Adapter-PCBs for Prague MIMA-Setup: -Samples for sockets and PCBs are ordered 12 5th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin
13 5th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin Thank you!
14 5th International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications C. Koffmane HLL, MPI für Physik, TU Berlin Modular Hybrid Concept To measure the signals of SWB and inject currents for testing DCD-B/DCDRO Matrix Board Debug Board Pin Header Connectors Hybrid Board 5x SWB3 x DCD-B DHP All-Silicon Module & Bump Bond Matrix Hybrid Board SAMTEC ST/SS connector series High pin count Low profile 3mm Virtex-4 Board Power IGEL Board or Matrix Board SWBDCD-B/DCDRO PXD6 Will not be used for the beginning, but is still on the list Connectors are available and look promising, small test board is in preparation