Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF Beamline optimization schedule Vaia Papadimitriou LBNF Beamline Manager Accelerator and Beam Interface Group Meeting May 5, 2016
LBNF Beamline Goal CD-1 (conceptual design) was approved in November 2015 Preliminary design to start in FY18 (October 2017) Need to have finished with any additional re-optimization efforts for conceptual design by end of July 2017 so that we can have two months of evaluation and reviews (comprehensive technical design and cost review) before we are ready for a decision about which way we will go for the preliminary design. Need to have two designs ready for comparison (reference and optimized) Ready to go full speed (provided we have the human resources) with developing the optimized design Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Optimization Schedule
LBNF Scope of re-optimization and priorities for the additional effort towards conceptual design Horns (long lead items) Target Integration/mounting of target into horn, baffle mounting, etc. Alternative option of gas in target chase Absorber Associated Modeling Associated Radiation Protection Associated Conventional Facilities Horn support modules (three) - later, but ready by 07/31/2017 Horn power supply (ies) - later, but ready by 07/31/2017 Remote handling (casks, morgue capacity analysis, workcell,..) – later, but ready by 07/31/ Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Optimization Schedule
LBNF Schedule and milestones Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Optimization Schedule
LBNF Backup 5
LBNF Target Hall/Decay Pipe Layout 6 DECAY PIPE SNOUT DECAY PIPE UPSTREAM WINDOW WORK CELL 50 TON CRANE Decay Pipe: 194 m long, 4 m in diameter, double – wall carbon steel, helium filled, air-cooled. Target Chase: 2.2 m/2.0 m wide, 34.3 m long air- filled and air & water-cooled (cooling panels). Sufficiently big to fit in alternative target/horns. Cooling panels Beam 5.6 m Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Optimization Schedule ~ 40% of beam power in target chase ~ 30% of beam power in decay pipe Main alternatives for gas atmosphere: N 2 or He
LBNF 7 Hadron Absorber Absorber Hall and Service Building The Absorber is designed for 2.4 MW ~ 30% of beam power in Absorber 515 kW in central core 225 kw in steel shielding Core blocks replaceable (each 1 ft thick) Beam Muon Shielding (steel) Beam Muon Alcove Sculpted Al (9) Hadron Monitor Absorber Cooling Core: water-cooled Shielding: forced air-cooled Flexible, modular design